How to watch Netflix and shop online at work without getting caught

We offer you several options to procrastinate without getting caught by your bosses

Workers who spend most of their work time in an office in front of their computer They have few options to procrastinate or spend time on other tasks through your PC for fear of being caught by their bosses. And despite the fact that the majority of computer terminals of companies have restricted certain websites, we can always find that service or website that we can access without major problems; The real problem comes with the possibility that our bosses catch us with other matters that have little or nothing to do with our professional obligations. Is there any solution to see Netflix, view web pages, interact in social networks or do online shopping in our incognito work hours? Really if; For this reason, we offer you several applications and programs specially designed for procrastinate at work without being caught by our superiors.

TRICK to quickly hide our PC screen or leave an application open

How to watch Netflix and buy online without getting caught

Download the following programs and see if they are useful for you. stay incognito at work while you consult websites, watch Netflix or shop online through amazon or similar services.

Boss Key

Today, it is one of the most popular programs for going unnoticed at work; and it is that Boss Key is software specially designed to clear the screen instantly through a certain key combination, even completely silencing the computer if we are watching multimedia content on Youtube, Facebook either Netflix. In addition, this program allows us to hide certain applications or programs (such as web browsers) to start others instantly; Thus, we can hide Youtube, Netflix and Facebook at the same time that We start office automation, design or accounting programs with a simple command, so that our boss does not suspect the slightest when passing by our workplace.

How to watch Netflix and shop online at work without getting caught


This is a more than proven program with several years behind it that, however, works perfectly for our purpose. And it is that WinRAP It allows hide apps instantly through a simple combination of keys on our keyboard, in addition to hiding active services and keep them running in the background so that we don't lose anything we were doing in secret. It even allows you to set a password so that no one can open hidden programs without our supervision or permission, a very interesting function if we have to share our PC with another person in the office and we don't want them to discover what we were doing secretly. The options are very numerous; so much so, that we can even hide key buttons from the operating system so that no one manipulates our computer in our absence.

How to watch Netflix and shop online at work without getting caught


Despite OuttaSight It no longer works so well in the latest versions of current operating systems (since it is a fairly old software), although it maintains a good handful of main functions currently operational, such as the possibility of hide or show certain applications or programs, in addition to allowing the instant hiding of a program window by means of the Magic Wand tool, a magic wand in the shape of a pointer that will allow us to hide any program by dragging it over the window to hide.

How to watch Netflix and shop online at work without getting caught

Taskbar Hide

Until now we have offered you several options to hide running programs or applications, even running others instantly to hide from other people's eyes. But what happens with the taskbar showing icons of active programs? And a boss with a minimum of computer knowledge will quickly realize that we are doing something that we shouldn't during work hours. Luckily, we have applications like Taskbar Hide which also allows us to hide the icons of running programs from the taskbar of our operating system; we can even hide icons under password, so that only we can access to view these icons.

How to watch Netflix and shop online at work without getting caught

Bring It!

Finally, we do not want to miss the opportunity to show you how to hide notifications from certain applications or programs, something that could give us away and ruin our entire conspiracy. Therefore, we recommend Bring It!, a program specifically designed to hide or show notification area icons and thus avoid being discovered by an unexpected interaction. In addition, it also allows us to hide the icons in the toolbar to thus increasing our invisibility during working hours.

How to watch Netflix and shop online at work without getting caught

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