Spotify: How to export our favorite playlists

The best options to take our favorite music wherever we want

Spotify It's one of the most popular streaming music services in the world to listen to our favorite music wherever we want through a multitude of devices, from desktop computers to smartphones. And every day, millions of users around the planet turn to this platform to enjoy their favorite singers or groups, whether traveling, working or at leisure. And like most streaming services, Spotify also offers the possibility of creating our own playlists to select our favorite themes or genres for each occasion. Therefore, we offer you a guide to know how to export our favorite Spotify playlists to other services similar or save them as a backup for future mishaps.

Soundiiz: Transfer playlists and favorites between streaming services

And the most convenient and fastest way is resort to web pages specially designed for this, free portals that offer us the best service without having to resort to third-party applications or browser extensions; simple and effective. Websites like Soundiiz, which even allow us to save copies of our playlists in different formats so that they are compatible with many other streaming or playback platforms, such as Youtube, Deezer, Google Play Music, tidal,, napster and others. To do this, we just have to Log in and start configuring our playlists across a multitude of platforms with dozens of options, something that can be somewhat cumbersome. Luckily, there are much more intuitive options.

How to export Spotify playlists

The first page we can visit to export our playlists is SpotMyBackup, a web service that will allow us to carry out this operation with total comfort and speed; in this case, the SpotMyBackup service export playlists in JSON format and also allows you to import lists again if we need it.

How to export Spotify playlists

To do this we only have to go to the web portal itself and log in with our Spotify account; Once identified, the website will begin to scan our library to identify the playlists already created. Once located, we just have to click on the icon Export to generate a JSON file on our computer with the playlist we consider.


  1. Go to SpotMyBackup
  2. Sign in with your Spotify account
  3. Select the playlist to export
  4. Click on Export to obtain a JSON file

Although there are more services available if the first option does not convince us; So we can also try Exportify, which, as its name suggests, also offers the possibility of exporting our favorite playlists. To do this we just have to go to the Exportify portal and log in with our Spotify account. Once identified, the website itself will show us our playlists from our account; The portal will offer us a list with all kinds of information such as the name, the number of songs, the owner of the list or whether it is public or not., among other things. Now we can choose between Export each playlist individually or collectively using the icon Export All located in the upper right corner.

How to export Spotify playlists

If we decide to export playlists separately, Exportify will generate individual files in CSV format; On the other hand, if we prefer to export all the playlists at the same time, A ZIP file will be generated with the CSV files of each list compressed inside. Now we can manipulate each file as we see fit, either by importing files separately or together into other streaming or playback programs.


  1. Go to Exportify
  2. Sign in with your Spotify account
  3. Select the list or playlists to export
  4. Click on Export to obtain a CSV file
  5. Or click on Export All to obtain a ZIP file