YouTube: How to disable automatic video playback

Follow our tutorial to disable autoplay on iOS and Android phones

The auto play videos of Youtube is a function that allows you to play the videos as you browse the web. mobile application iOS and Android, until now only available for Premium subscribers but now Google has decided to bring it to the standard version of the popular video streaming platform. Of course, the playback of the video thumbnails is without sound with subtitles (unless we touch a video, then it will be activated), but if it is annoying for you to see so many moving images, we can always disable this new option Youtube through the options menu of the mobile application. Next, how to disable video playback on Youtube for mobiles.

Turn YouTube autoplay on or off

How to remove automatic video playback

The first step is to open the application to iOS and Android mobiles from YouTube and click on it our profile icon to access the main options menu of the app, located in the upper right corner of the screen, right next to the magnifying glass icon dedicated to video searches. This icon will show the profile picture of our account Google.

YouTube: How to disable automatic video playback

Already on the menu Account, displayed through our profile image, a series of entries will appear through which to configure our account and YouTube experience. We must click on the entry Settings to enter the application configuration options.

YouTube: How to disable automatic video playback

Once inside the menu Settings, we must go to Autoplay, the second menu entry after General. Here we can configure the parameters dedicated to the automatic playback of videos in the application.

YouTube: How to disable automatic video playback

When we are inside the menu Autoplay, we must click on the entry Autoplay on home page, located second, below the option Automatic play of the next video, which we can activate or deactivate depending on whether we want the videos to play automatically or not.

YouTube: How to disable automatic video playback

Note on Auto Play on the main page: As this is a recently enabled option (December 2018), it may take a few days for it to appear on all devices and versions of the YouTube mobile application.

Finally, to configure the Autoplay On the main page we can choose between three different options:

  • Always on
  • Wi-Fi only
  • disabled

YouTube: How to disable automatic video playback

If we want the videos on the main page to play automatically we must leave the option activated Always on; On the contrary, if so many moving videos drive us crazy, we should click on disabled. Finally, if we want the videos to play automatically but we want to save some connection data, we can choose the option Wi-Fi only, so that said automatic playback only occurs when we are connected to a Wi-Fi network and not through our mobile data connection.

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