Let's see how to calculate the percentage between two quantities quickly and easily, without many complications. And if every time you have to calculate a percentage of one or more figures represents a setback and the numbers go crazy in your head without knowing exactly what mathematical calculations you should perform, below we offer you all the answers on how to perform different mathematical operations to get percentages easily, whether between two numbers or just one. Do not miss the best mental calculation methods to get percentages.
Steps to calculate percentages
Index of contents
How to calculate the percentage between two numbers
Let's start with what is perhaps the most complicated or convoluted mental calculation: take the percentage between two numbers. But fear not; It is actually quite simple and a few simple steps will be enough, which we detail below:
- If you have a number (let's take as an example 100) and a number Y (For example 500) and you want to know what percentage of X corresponds to Y, or what is the same, if you want to calculate the relationship between both figures, you have to apply the mathematical formula X:Y=Z:100. That is, X is at Y when Z is at 100.
- To perform this calculation you have to divide 100 by 500 and multiply the result by 100.
- Thus 100/500=0,2.
- 0,2×100=20.
As it turns out and after performing the calculation, we have to 100 is a 20% of 500. As simple as that.

How to calculate the percentage of a number
In this case, it is an operation that is done constantly, especially when we go to buy and we find discounts on the original price and we want to know the percentage of the reduction. Follow the steps below to calculate the percentage of a specific figure:
- For example, if you are going to buy a new television for 1,500 euros but you find an offer 30% discountHow can you know how much is 30% of 1,500? Let's see step by step how to calculate it.
- To carry out this calculation in a simple way you only have to multiply the initial number (in this case 1,500) for the percentage number (30) and divide the result by 100.
- In the given example it would be: 1.500×30=45.000.
- And then: 45.000/100=450.
Therefore, the 30% of 1,500 euros is 450 euros. In this case, the discount applied to the base price would be those 450 euros, leaving the television for 1,050 euros.
Now you know how to calculate the percentage between two numbers and on a single number. In this way, you can do mental calculations quick to find the answers.