Android 8.0: How to change the shape of the icons in Android Oreo

Tutorial to change the design of application icons in Android 8.0 Oreo

Android 8.0 Oreo offers many new features and advantages to its users, both in terms of safety and efficiency as in interface and design; so much so, that many users may feel somewhat lost when starting with the Android version 8.0 if they come from previous versions, especially in everything related to navigation and icon display. And by default, Android Oreo offers its own interface design with adapted application icons changing their appearance, something that can affect user comfort. Luckily, we can choose between different skins for main menu icons, although this option is somewhat hidden. Therefore, we offer you a tutorial to choose our favorite icon design and that the jump to Android 8.0 Oreo be as comfortable as possible.

2 Ways: Change App icons on ANDROID

How to change the shape of icons in Android Oreo

To access the icon design change menu in Android 8.0 Oreo we must go to Setting through the corresponding gear-shaped icon on the main screen. Once inside, we must click on the tab Screen, in order to access the different viewing options.

Android 8.0: How to change the shape of the icons in Android Oreo

Already in the tab Screen we must click on the first available option, Starting screen, in order to display the design options of the main screen. If we scroll down the options menu, we will find the option Icon Shapes, the option that interests us to change the appearance of the application icons.

Android 8.0: How to change the shape of the icons in Android Oreo

Now we will access a design selector with four main options:

  • Original
  • rounded square
  • Shading
  • Cylinder

Android 8.0: How to change the shape of the icons in Android Oreo

We can choose our favorite design clicking on the circle of each option located to the right of the screen; In the upper window a preview of each option in real time. When we have chosen our favorite option we just have to click on Accept. And so we can change the design of the icons on the main screen of Android 8.0 Oreo, adapting their appearance to our personal preferences.

Android 8.0: How to change the shape of the icons in Android Oreo

On the other hand, we can also access said menu even faster; so, yes we keep the pressure with our finger On the main icon screen of Android 8.0 Oreo, we will access the quick setup menu. Now we must click on the option Home Screen Settings, located at the bottom of the screen, to directly access the settings menu. Starting screen and continue with the previous steps.

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