Android Accessibility Suite: how to download and its best tricks

Optimize the most accessible Android app for people with disabilities or limitations

Android Accessibility Suite is the official application of Android so that people with disabilities or limitations in the use of mobile phones they can use their mobile terminals with the maximum guarantees and thus optimize its numerous tools adapted to your personal needs, including a more comfortable handling and a better view of your applications. And nowadays smartphones are not only for entertainment or multimedia; Many people turn to cell phones to improve their quality of life, especially in adverse conditions. Therefore, below we offer you a complete tutorial on its installation and its main tools.

Talkback what is it for? Deactivate or activate voice control

How to download Android Accessibility Suite

Install Android Accessibility Suite It is very simple; To do this, you just have to go to Google Play and look for the Official Android Accessibility Suite app of Google. Once on the official page of the app, click on Install to start installing the application. After a few moments the installation will be completed and you will be able to start using the app Android Accessibility Suite in your terminal Android.

Android Accessibility Suite: how to download and its best tricks

All Android Accessibility Suite services

The accessibility app Android includes the following services:

  • TalkBack, a screen content reader.
  • Design using generously sized switches available in the same access.
  • Organization of applications by selections.
  • Large application descriptions.
  • Speech recognition.

Learn how to use TalkBack

Google acquired in the past to application TalkBack, a tool dedicated to users of Android with some kind of disability and/or limitation, whether visual and/or auditory, and who cannot use a smartphone with its standard interface.

So, TalkBack, being property of Google, will be recommended by default by Android Accessibility Suite, and is pre-installed in the terminals Android, although not visible to all users.

And the app TalkBack allows users with difficulties to operate their terminal Android with an optimized touch interface, fully configurable to adapt to the needs of each user, including options for speech recognition and the optimization of mobile notifications and alerts.

Android Accessibility Suite: how to download and its best tricks

How to find TalkBack on Android

While we can download the tool Android Accessibility Suite through Google Play completely free of charge, on many devices it is already pre-installed in the same operating system. So much so that Google in many cases it modifies the tool itself TalkBack to become Android Accessibility Suite, adding the new features described above, such as a access switch to improve mobile management and other audio switch to speak directly without having to go through other screens.

How to Find TalkBack as Android Accessibility Suite

  1. Access your Android terminal.
  2. Select Mobile settings.
  3. Look for the Accessibility entry and enter.
  4. Go to the TalkBack option and enter.
  5. Turn the TalkBack switch on or off.
  6. When you activate the TalkBack tool, an information window will open explaining the advantages and options of the app itself.
  7. Accept and you will be able to configure the TalkBack options to adapt the experience of using the assistance to your needs.

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