Android: How to know the status of the battery and why they lose capacity

We explain how your mobile battery works and how to know its status

The current ones Android smartphones equip large capacity batteries that guarantee hours of use without us having to be especially aware of their autonomy; even so, the most powerful terminals They do require special attention from the user so that they do not run out of battery after intense use of the terminal. Therefore, it is interesting that we know the battery status of our mobile Android, the moment of the life cycle in which it is and how it can lose capacity prematurely. And with the passage of time, cell phone batteries they begin to wear out and shorten their life expectancy; Therefore, we offer you everything you need to know how batteries lose capacity and a simple yet effective way to check your health status before considering changing the battery, either through the mobile manufacturer's technical service (in the case of terminals with fixed battery) or buying a new one if it is a removable battery.

How to know the state of health of your battery on Android or smartphones

How cell phone batteries lose capacity

With each new charge under a 70% of battery capacity, a new charging cycle Of the same. According to the manufacturers, from between 300 and 500 loads, the batteries begin to degrade and their autonomy begins to decrease. Thus, if we charge our mobile phone approximately one time per day for 12 months, we will be over 360 charges per year, so from the second year onwards, the battery of our terminal will begin to lose autonomy and see their life expectancy reduced.

Although it is true that each user uses their mobile phone differently and performs charging cycles in the most varied ways, we can establish an average of use and know when our terminal will begin to lose autonomy. Luckily, there are methods to have a greater control over battery life of our terminal, in order to estimate its life cycle and decide if we change the battery or continue using it for a while longer.

Android: How to know the status of the battery and why they lose capacity

Luckily, mobile phone manufacturers already offer certain systems to protect the batteries of their terminals; so much so that, for example, current smartphones turn off before the battery percentage reaches zero or cut off the charger current when the percentage reaches 100%, among other solutions.

How to know the status of the battery

A very useful way to know the status of your battery is through third-party applications, programs specially designed for these tasks that offer the user all kinds of really detailed information. And one of these most proven applications worldwide is CPU-Z, which we can find in Google Play through this link.

It is an app that offers us all kinds of information and technical data about the hardware of our smartphone, classified by sections such as device, system, battery, sensors, etc. Obviously, for this case we are interested in knowing the battery data. To do this, and once you have accessed the main page of the application, click on the tab Battery, between the tabs of System and Thermal.

Android: How to know the status of the battery and why they lose capacity

Already in the menu Battery, we must look at the first entry: Health. If the battery status is adequate, the word will appear good. Just below, other data of interest will appear such as the percentage of charge, the current power supply, its status and other data such as temperature, the technology it uses or its capacity.

Thus, if the word appears good This means that the battery is still has not exceeded the number of complete charging cycles stipulated by the manufacturer, so we should not fear for the autonomy of our terminal beyond controlling the percentage to calculate the next charge. Of course, if the app CPU-Z indicates a state other than good, this will be when the battery charge begins to degrade over time.

Android: How to know the status of the battery and why they lose capacity

Special note: Through Google Play we will find many apps dedicated to optimize the battery of our mobile. We do not recommend their use, since they may conflict with the system of our terminal with energy saving modes that are too intrusive. In this sense, we recommend the different options and tools offered by the manufacturer itself through the options of our mobile.

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