How to change age on TikTok

Learn how to change the age of your profile on TikTok by contacting support; Remember that you must be over 13 years old to use the app

Let's see how to change age on TikTok, the famous application to share your videos musicals and your funniest clips with your friends and followers. And currently, TikTok does not allow changing the age of users in order to protect minors from inappropriate content like the broadcasts live, direct messages or digital gifts, since many young people modified this parameter to access these features. What can be done is contact support of TikTok to modify the birthday date; we tell you how to start the process and the steps to follow.

How to change your age on tiktok instantly - 2021 | How to change your date of birth on Tiktok

TikTok: how to change profile age

Index of contents

Why you can't update your age on TikTok

Many users, for one reason or another, entered false birth dates or ages when opening a TikTok account. This caused many problems, including minor access to features aimed at adults. On the other hand, those of legal age were restrictions in the app by putting the wrong date. Therefore, if you don't want to open a new account and start over on TikTok, we tell you how to change your birthday in the app.

How to change your birthday on TikTok

Although it is very easy to change your TikTok username or profile photo, It is not possible to change the date of your birthday from the profile configuration options in the app. Luckily, there is a method through which you can modify the day, month and year of birth on TikTok. To do this, you will have to get in touch with him support service of the application and request an update of your birthday date. Follow the steps below:

  1. Access the TikTok app.
  2. Click on the option I in the lower right corner of the screen.
  3. Now click on the three dots icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
  4. Scroll to the bottom and click on Report a problem.
  5. Click on Account and profile.
  6. Now click on Edit profile.
  7. Now in Others.
  8. Select the option I have a problem.
  9. In the text field write something like “I need to update my birthday in my account since the current date is incorrect. “I can provide some type of identification document to prove my birthday.”
  10. Finally, click on Inform.

After one or two days maximum you will receive a email from the TIKTok support service in the email account associated with your TikTok profile. The app support person will ask you for a photo of an official identification document that shows your real birthday. After submitting it, you will have to wait for them to check it and update your birthday.

How to change age on TikTok

Ultimately, if you can't update your birthday, you can always open a new account and, now, correctly enter your birthday. Another possible solution, if you are a minor, is to create a new TikTok account managed by your parents or guardians.

Below we offer you a series of features that Yes, you can easily modify it from the TikTok app and without having to resort to the application's support service.

How to change your TikTok profile photo or video

  1. Access your TikTok profile.
  2. Click on the option Edit profile.
  3. Select the profile photo or video.

How to change your TikTok username

  1. Access your TikTok profile.
  2. Click on Edit profile.
  3. Delete your current username and enter a new one.

Important note

Once you have changed your username on TikTok, you will not be able to change it again until after 30 days.

How to change the language of TikTok

  1. Access your TikTok profile.
  2. Click on the icon Setting.
  3. Click on the tab Language.
  4. Select the option Application language.
  5. Select the desired language from the list.

How to delete your TikTok account

  1. Access your TikTok profile.
  2. Open the section Setting.
  3. Select the option Manage my account.
  4. Select the option Delete account.

How to change age on TikTok

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