How to change the font size of WhatsApp

Learn how to change the WhatsApp font size to better read your messages

WhatsApp, The popular messaging app for iOS and Android mobiles, hides a multitude of options that help us get the most out of the app but that many users are unaware of. One of these extra tools is the possibility of change the font size of chat messages so that we can better read its content in case we have some type of vision difficulty, especially on small screen devices with elderly users. Therefore, below we offer you a complete tutorial for change font size on WhatsApp.

How to change the font size of WhatsApp

If we want to change the font size of WhatsApp, the application itself offers the option natively through its settings menu, without the need to resort to third-party apps. To do this, we just have to click on the three vertical dots button WhatsApp located in the upper right corner to display the list of options.

With the pop-up menu displayed we must click on the entry Setting and then in Chats to access WhatsApp conversation settings; It will be here where we can find the option to change the font size of the messages through the option Font size, through which we can choose between three different sizes:

  • Little
  • Medium
  • Big

As normal, the standard WhatsApp size is set to Medium, although with this option we can choose Big to increase the font size and be able to read the chats better. The size changes will occur immediately so that we can check the result and if it meets our needs.

How to change the font size of WhatsApp

How to change the size and font of WhatsApp

Beyond the native option offered by the WhatsApp application itself, we can also use third-party apps to change the font size and even change its style with different types of typography. For this we can use a free app in Google Play as Stylish Text, available for download through the next link. Once installed, we just have to accept permissions requested and activate the switch of the app located at the top of your main screen.

How to change the font size of WhatsApp

It is a text application for WhatsApp that offers a multitude of formats and sizes, with more than 80 styles to select; When we find a style and size that we like, we just have to Press the associated WhatsApp icon and we can now use them in our WhatsApp chats.

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