How to know if your cell phone is tapped

Tricks to discover if your iOS or Android smartphone is tapped or hacked

Let's see how to know if your cell phone is tapped through a series of characteristics that can reveal a possible hack of your terminal iOS (iPhone) either Android. And it is that the privacy from our mobile It is essential so that we can use all its tools and possibilities without fear of someone stealing our personal or sensitive data, such as bank numbers, addresses, passwords and more. Therefore, knowing how to detect if our mobile phone may be tapped or hacked is vital for a greater security and peace of mind. Next, how to know if your cellphone is hacked.


How to know if your phone is hacked

Index of contents

Symptoms that the phone is hacked

Let's see what possible symptoms We can detect that they can make us suspect that the mobile phone is tapped or hacked.

Anomalous behavior of the mobile

  • The mobile turns off or restarts itself normally.
  • The phone takes a long time to turn on or off.
  • Applications open automatically.
  • The phone overheats without doing anything.
  • Apps take a long time to open.
  • Contacts disappear from the phone's phonebook and other unknown ones appear.
  • Noticeable increase in data consumption.
  • Noises or beeps while talking on the phone.

If we detect some of these strange or erratic behaviors of the cell phone, perhaps it is because it has been hacked.

Decrease in autonomy

If you detect that suddenly the autonomy of the mobile phone has decreased considerably and abruptly and you run out of battery much faster than before, it is possible that something strange is happening in the operating system. Even so, make sure before the autonomy is not affected for some of the following examples:

  • Screen brightness too high.
  • Enabled wireless networks such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or GPS.
  • Too many apps open in the background.
  • Intensive use of video games.

How to know if your cell phone is tapped

How to know if your phone is hacked

Although there is no universal and definitive method to know if our mobile phone is tapped or hacked, we can do a couple of things. actions that can help us confirm a possible hack by third parties. Try the following:

Dial the code *#62#

If you suspect your calls are being redirected, dial the code *#62# and you will be able to know if your calls are being redirected to another number. If the number shown does not belong to your operator, it is more than likely that someone has tapped your mobile number and is listening to your calls.

Using the IMEI number

Another method to know if our mobile phone is hacked is through the IMEI number. To do this, enter the code *#06# to show the IMEI number of our device, a unique code that identifies the terminal. If at the end of the IMEI number they appear two zeros is that someone listens to our calls and if they appear three zeros is that in addition to listening to us, they have access to call history, messages, files and photos.

Dial the code *#21#

The last method to check if someone has tapped our line is by dialing the code *#21# in the mobile calling application (as if you were making a conventional call) and pressing the call key. The status of your connections will be shown. If you discover that someone is spying, you have two options:

  • Brand *#62# to show the number to which your calls, messages and data are redirected.
  • Brand **##002# to deactivate all call and message forwarding and redirection.

How to know if your cell phone is tapped

How to fix phone hacking

Although hacking on common mobile phones is not the most common, it can happen on occasion. If, thanks to any of the previous methods, you detect that someone has tapped or hacked your terminal, the first step you should do is format the mobile as soon as possible, leaving it at the factory. Then install a antivirus and perform the necessary scans to detect any possible hack or virus.

Another solution is to get rid of your cell phone and acquire a new one; This way there will be no possibility of them continuing to tap your cell phone unless they manage to do it again on the new terminal, something quite unlikely.

How to know if your cell phone is tapped

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