How to put the SIM card in Xiaomi Redmi Note phones

In many cases you do not know how to put the SIM card in some Xiaomi brand mobile phones, in this article you will find the solution to your problems.

The brand's mobile phones Xiaomi They are known for having high quality and a very low price, being probably one of the best price/quality phones that we will have available. But being 100% Asians and having recently begun to globalize, many still do not know how to put the SIM card in these.

How can I put the SIM card in the Redmi Note range?

This branch is quite broad and we can find different mobile phones and devices from the Redmi Note 6 until Redmi Note 9S. On most devices it is usually done in the same way. These steps will be enough.

First step

The first thing you will need to follow this tutorial will be the following:

  • The Xiamo Redmi Note phone that we have.
  • The key (tool) that comes in the box for the slots.
  • A nano SIM card.

In the modern cards You can convert them into nano, otherwise you will have to go to a specialized store to have it cut. Or follow the following tutorial.

How to convert your Sim or MicroSim to NanoSim - Tutorial

Second step

On the left side of the phone you will see a small hole into which you must insert the plug that comes with it in the box. You will have to apply a little pressure and it will open automatically allowing you to take it out.

Third step

With the nano sim card already cut, let's go to the plug that says SIM, there will be two or three depending on the model of your phone, we place it on this plug so that it is correct for operation.

Once that is done simply put the slot back as it was, make sure the nano SIM It is well positioned so that it does not move when inserted.

This card usually goes in the same area as the SD card.

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