How to remove automatic brightness on iPhone with iOS 12

Tutorial to disable automatic screen brightness on iPhone and iPad with iOS 12

With the arrival of the iOS version 11, our devices Manzana They added a good handful of new features related to the interface, among them, the possibility of turn automatic screen brightness on and off, tool too available in iOS 12 for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Basically what auto brightness does is adjust screen brightness to ambient light conditions where we are, increasing or decreasing the brightness automatically to save battery, something that is annoying for many users, since they do not welcome the automatic screen lighting changes. What many users don't know is that auto-brightness can be disabled through settings; Therefore, below we show you how to disable (or re-enable) automatic screen brightness in iPhone and iPad with iOS 12.

How to Disable Auto Brightness on iPhone (iOS 15 & iOS 16) iPhone 13, iPhone 12 & iPhone 11

How to remove auto brightness on iPhone

And in previous versions of the iOS operating system, the automatic brightness settings were configured in the section Screen and brightness of Settings; since the arrival of iOS 11 and later (like iOS 12), Apple has changed the location of these settings, so many users did not know how to change the automatic screen brightness setting. To adjust the auto brightness setting to iPhone, iPad and iPod touch with iOS 11 or later follow the next steps:

  1. Access Settings on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch
  2. Enter the General section
  3. Access Accessibility now
  4. Choose the Display Settings option
  5. Now you can activate or deactivate the Auto Brightness switch

How to remove automatic brightness on iPhone with iOS 12

Why has Apple changed automatic brightness?

The main reason for the change in automatic brightness management on iOS devices is two basic reasons. According to Apple, very few users turn off auto brightness, so its adjustments have moved to another, more secondary section; The second reason is to prevent users who disabled automatic brightness from continuing to do so because disabling automatic brightness can affect the battery duration, according to Apple itself next to the on/off switch. So much so, that if iOS directly manages the screen brightness as well better manage the autonomy of the device, since the brightness of the screen is one of the main reasons for less autonomy.

Quick access to screen brightness

On the other hand, we can always access the screen brightness setting (along with many other tools) through the iOS quick access; To do this, move your finger from the top of the screen of your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch down to display the quick access menu. Now you can modify the screen brightness swiping up or down on the screen brightness icon until you find the right screen brightness level.

How to remove automatic brightness on iPhone with iOS 12

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