How to set a password on WhatsApp

Learn how to set a password for your WhatsApp and the app's chats so they don't spy on you

Below we teach you how to put password in WhatsApp, either in the app or in the chats, so that you can protect your personal information and conversations from other people's eyes that can access your mobile. And it is likely that you have conversations on WhatsApp that You do not want see no one and although blocking your own cell phone can be a good measure to prevent people from spying on you, it is also possible for anyone to bypass the block and access your WhatsApp chats. Therefore, it is advisable to configure a second specific protection for the popular instant messaging app, either through the application's native system or through Third-party apps that add new layers of security. Learn with our tutorial how to put password in WhatsApp.

How to put a password on WhatsApp

How to set a password on WhatsApp

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So, it is likely that you have already used some third party app to block WhatsApp, a solution that can work quite well except for one detail; And it can be quite cumbersome to have to enter a password every time you open WhatsApp, regardless of the chat you want to protect. Therefore, below we recommend an application to set a password only to those chats that you determine. On the other hand, we also offer you the native WhatsApp solution to protect your messaging app via fingerprint.

How to put a password on WhatsApp chats

If you want to protect your WhatsApp from indiscreet users but you don't want to enter a password every time you access the appYes, you can protect only certain conversations, leaving the rest of the application with free access. For this, you can find in Google Play for mobile Android the app Chat Lock for WhatsApp Chat App, which, as its name indicates, allows block access to chats individually, that is, leaving general access to WhatsApp free and only blocking the chats that the user wants with a password through an access code. Thus, if the mobile phone falls into the hands of others, no one will be able to access the information from the chats blocked via password.

To do this, you just have to install the app Chat Lock for WhatsApp Chat App on mobile and give accessibility permissions to the app from Settings of the Android system. Once installed, open the app and Click on the + symbol and WhatsApp will open so you can select chat that you want to protect with a password. By tapping on the chosen chat you will be asked for the access password that you want to put, which you will have to repeat twice to confirm it.

How to set a password on WhatsApp

Once the process is completed, you will see that in Chat Lock for WhatsApp Chat App The list of blocked chats will appear next to the closed padlock icon, which means that these chats are already password protected. If you want to add more chats to the block, you just have to follow the same steps, that is, press the + symbol and select the chat to block. On the other hand, if you decide to unblock chats, you just have to access Chat Lock for WhatsApp Chat App and click on the lock icon of the chat you want to unblock to remove said protection; when the lock appears open is that it will no longer be necessary to enter any password to access said chat.

How to put a password on WhatsApp

On the other hand, if you decide to block your WhatsApp using a password natively, you can always resort to the options offered by the app itself to protect your privacy. So much so, that WhatsApp offers the possibility of configuring a fingerprint protection so that only you can identify yourself as the owner of the account and thus access the popular instant messaging app.

Of course, to configure this type of protection, your terminal must have Android 6.0 or higher and have fingerprint sensor on the mobile, obviously. If you meet the requirements, follow the steps below to set up WhatsApp fingerprint protection:

  1. Access the official application by WhatsApp.
  2. Click on it three vertical dots icon located in the upper right corner of the screen.
  3. Now click on the entry Setting.
  4. Click on Account, The first option.
  5. Now click on Privacy, again, the first option.
  6. Scroll down to the entry Fingerprint lock; Click on this option.
  7. Activate the switch Unlock with fingerprint.
  8. To set up your fingerprint place your finger on the sensor of mobile fingerprints.
  9. Now set the time you want me to spende for WhatsApp to request fingerprint access.
  10. Finally, if you want the application to allow message text preview In the notifications of new messages with the app blocked, activate the option Show content in notifications; Otherwise, new messages will not appear in the mobile notification area either.

How to set a password on WhatsApp

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