How to turn off iPhone 11

We show you the two methods available to turn off the iPhone 11

Below we teach you how to turn off the iPhone 11 through two different ways. And since the arrival of the new design of the Apple iPhone With the disappearance of the Home button and the commitment to touch controls, side buttons and gesture controls or Face ID, many are wondering how to handle the basic commands of the iPhone 11, from how turn on the mobile how to turn it off. For this reason, and thanks to, you will know how to turn off the iPhone 11 through two different ways.

How to turn off the iPhone 11 with two different ways

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So much so, that one of the recurring questions in internet searches is to know how to turn off the iPhone 11, something that has changed significantly since the arrival of the iPhone X and the new design most minimalist of Apple phones. And thanks to this change, Siri went from the physical Home button (which no longer exists as such) to the unlock button, making said button no longer useful for turning off the iPhone.

For this reason, and so that all new users of an iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro and other later terminals who continue to bet on this design and for veteran users of iOS accustomed to the Home button, we offer you a complete tutorial with the two ways to turn off an iPhone 11.

How to turn off iPhone 11 with key combination

Thus, in previous models with Home button It was only necessary to hold down the lock button for the screen to appear. slider button to turn off the iPhone. On iPhone 11 and later models, this step adds a second key what to press; Follow the steps below to turn off iPhone 11 with key combination:

  1. Press and hold the button lock/unlock and at the same time the button increase or decrease the volume; Either one works.
  2. Now the slider button will appear on the screen Slide to turn off; Slide your finger on said virtual switch to turn off the iPhone 11.

How to turn off iPhone 11

How to turn off iPhone 11 with the Settings menu

Beyond this first option that we described in the previous section, there is a second method to turn off iPhone 11 via menu Settings of the mobile Follow the steps below to turn off iPhone 11 with the Settings menu:

  1. Accede to Settings of the iPhone 11 through the gear icon in the main mobile apps menu.
  2. Now click on the section General.
  3. In General, slide the screen all the way down to find the option To turn off, just below Restore.
  4. Click on To turn off to display the slider button on the screen Slide to turn off; Again, slide your finger on said virtual switch to turn off the iPhone 11.

How to turn off iPhone 11

As you see, there are two different methods to turn off iPhone 11, although both add more steps to the traditional method of previous iPhone models with a Home button.

How to turn off iPhone 11

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