iPhone: The best tricks to get the most out of Siri

Make calls, write messages, news, social networks... Take advantage of the full potential of Apple's voice assistant

Siri, the voice assistant Manzana, is the most popular worldwide compared to its competition (with more than 41 million regular users), although There are many users who are unaware of all its possibilities. Therefore, we offer you a series of tricks and tips to make the most of all the potential of Siri from our iPhone. Thus, you can count on their help at all times and in any circumstance with a simple gesture without having to touch the screen. Next, the most useful features of Siri on iPhone.

Send a message on WhatsApp

Siri can be very useful if we want to send text messages through our favorite messaging applications. And beyond iMessage, we can access other applications such as WhatsApp, Skype or Telegram to dictate our message by voice. For this we must say “Send a message to (Contact Name) on WhatsApp”. Afterwards, and with the message window open, we can dictate the message by voice and send it to our contact.

Siri on WhatsApp

Make calls from our iPhone

In a very similar way to text messages, Siri is capable of making calls to our contacts using voice commands. To do this we just have to say “Call (Contact Name)”. Next, Siri will look for the clearest match between our contacts. We can also add relationships to contacts to ask Siri to call our father or sister, for example, saying “Call my mother”.

Post on social networks like Facebook or Twitter

Social networks have become very popular applications in our daily lives and Siri is capable of publishing our messages quickly and comfortably. To do this we just have to say “Post on Facebook" either "Post on Twitter", and then say "Post” once we have reviewed the final text. Of course, at the moment it does not allow you to attach images or videos by voice. Additionally, the first time we use this system Siri will ask us for access information to each account on our social network.

Post to social networks like Facebook or Twitter with Siri

Check the news through Siri

Thanks to Siri's direct access to the network, We have all the information at our disposal through a simple question. We can ask Siri for the latest news, sports results, the weather forecast in a certain area and many other things. Besides, We can also ask for general knowledge. The method is simple; We just have to ask Siri directly about a specific topic until we find the answer we are looking for.

Reading text messages and emails

Siri is capable of read with your particular voice all the text messages we receive, either through messaging services such as WhatsApp or iMessage or emails. To do this we just have to say “Read me the last WhatsApp message I received" either "Read me the last email I received”. Next, Siri will search for the requested message and read it through our iPhone's speaker. Of course, the first time we use this system it will ask us for access to our email account or the messaging application.

Reading text messages and emails with Siri

Find the best itineraries with Siri

Siri can take us along the best itineraries if we ask it to find a certain route to the place we are going. Thus, and together with the iOS Maps application, Siri can guide us if we provide it with the necessary data, such as the city, street, or address number. In addition, we can also request information from specific places such as stores, gas stations, hospitals or restaurants, among many others. To do this we just have to say “Take me to the nearest gas station.”" either "Show me the restaurants with the best reviews nearby”. Next, Siri will show us a selection of suggestions of interest.

Configure iPhone settings and apps

Thanks to Siri's voice commands we can control a good number of settings and applications on our iPhone, such as Airplane Mode, camera, alarm and configure many other settings. To do this we just have to say “Activate Airplane Mode" either "Take a photo", For example. If we want to see all the available options we can ask Siri “What do you know how to do?” and it will offer us a list with all its possibilities.

How I use Siri and most used commands

Search iPhone media content

The latest generation iPhones have large storage capacities, so we can keep countless photos and videos in our pocket. But with so many multimedia elements Sometimes it is difficult to search for a particular photo or video. Thanks to Siri we can carry out much more specific searches, for example, requesting photos from last Christmas or from our last trip. To do this we just have to say “Look for my photos of New York" either "Show me the photos from this spring”.