iPhone Tricks: How to update our smartphone

Tutorial to keep our Apple mobile updated

iOS devices, as a general rule, automatically receive and download all new updates that Manzana is freeing, although it is also possible that our iPhone do not receive said notification, either due to failures of the apple company's servers or due to the absence of an internet connection at that precise moment. Therefore, we want to show you the simplest and most direct way to keep our iPhone updated manually.

How to update to the latest software version of our iPhone

Thus, if we want to make sure if new updates are available for our iPhone manually, we just have to go to Settings – General – Software update. On this screen we can check our installed version of iOS, as well as the availability or not of a version higher than the current one. If there is a new version of the operating system, we can download it to our device and start the installation whenever we want; yes indeed, we must have a minimum battery percentage or be connected to the network to proceed.

Update your iPhone to the latest version of iOS

Additionally, in the tab More information We will be able to consult all the details of each new update, as well as the problems it fixes. Once we confirm that we have enough storage space, we can start the installation of the new version of the iOS operating system. Once the process is finished, the device will reboot and we will be able to use it normally.

Space problems on iPhone

What happens if we do not have enough storage space to start the update process on iPhone? There are two possible solutions, especially for devices with less storage space, such as 16 GB iPhones. And it is that if we have many photos, videos, applications or video games, the free memory of our smartphone may not be enough for its update. The first of them is the most obvious, which is free up space by deleting files or apps that we are not interested. The second, somewhat more laborious, will require a PC or Mac with iTunes installed in order to perform the installation operation through said computer without having to download it to our device.