TikTok Musical.ly: The best tricks of the music video app

We tell you how to use TikTok and its best tricks to create your music videos

TikTok Musical.ly has become one of this year's social phenomena on the internet, an application to smartphones that allows us create our own music videos with all kinds of effects, tools and video editing options so that its users can record themselves and share their creations with thousands and thousands of people. Do you want to know the best TikTok Musical.ly tricks? Are you new and want to learn how to use the app quickly and comfortably? Follow our guide with the best TikTok tricks and first steps to learn how to use the fashion music videos app.


How to use the TikTok Musical.ly video app

TikTok Musical.ly allows us to create and share our own video selfies musicals of barely 15 seconds long, with effects included. The most popular and viral clips with those in which their users record themselves as selfie imitating the songs of their favorite artists while doing playback; follow the following steps to learn how to use TikTok Musical.ly:

  1. Download the app at iTunes either Google Play.
  2. Sign up with your email or account Facebook.
  3. You will access the main page of the app with the most recent videos uploaded by other users.
  4. To watch a video, click on it and it will start playing.
  5. You can give to I like through the heart icon or share it.
  6. To record yourself select the symbol +.
  7. Select a song from the playlist and the Effect what you want
  8. When everything is ready, press the camera icon to record yourself; You can also upload an already recorded video of your Gallery.
  9. Once recorded, press the arrow icon located in the upper right corner to share it.

The best TikTok tricks Musical.ly

Below we offer you a list of the most useful tricks to start using the popular music video app.

Change camera

As with most apps these days with camera functions, it is possible switch between front and rear camera with a simple gesture. Thus, we can do it in two ways, either through icon located in the upper right corner of the screen or performing a double tap on screen. In addition, the application respects all the filters you have applied at that moment, so we can change cameras as many times as we want.

TikTok Musical.ly: The best tricks of the music video app

Different recording modes

The app allows switch between different recording modes through a simple selector. Thus, we can activate said selector through the second icon starting from the top in the upper right corner of the screen; Once pressed, the selector will appear on the main recording icon and we can choose between Epic, Slow, Normal, Fast and Lapse.

TikTok Musical.ly: The best tricks of the music video app

Get the music of others

If when browsing the application we find a musical theme that we like, we can always select said song to use it in one of our own recordings. To do this, click on the lower right corner of the screen, right on the song label that is playing right now. This way we will access a selection of videos based on the same musical theme, which will serve as inspiration for our own ideas.

TikTok Musical.ly: The best tricks of the music video app

Avoid content you don't like

TikTok allows us to configure our preferences to avoid videos that we do not like. For this we can choose to follow only specific users to view your videos directly on the content wall; on the other hand we can limit our suggestions. To do this, long press on a video you don't like to grant a I don't like and thus prevent other similar videos from appearing.

TikTok Musical.ly: The best tricks of the music video app

Effects to enhance your videos

TikTok allows us to apply numerous effects to our recordings through a complete menu; one of these most striking effects is that of rain, a filter that simulates rain in our video and that we can stop at any time with our hand. Furthermore, if we move the phone while applying this effect, the rain will remain static, causing the so-called Matrix effect, something that can be very useful in our videos.

TikTok Musical.ly: The best tricks of the music video app

To do this, open the menu Effects through the icon located on the lower left side of the screen to display a menu with countless options, effects that we must download to be able to use them. From here, let your imagination fly and achieve the most striking effects by doing your own tests.

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