WhatsApp Tricks: How to know if they have blocked me

Find out if a contact on your WhatsApp does not want to have contact with you through a few simple steps

WhatsApp, the most popular instant messaging application today that allows us to communicate with family, friends and acquaintances through direct messages, has become an indispensable tool in our daily lives. Of course, it can also become a real headache if we have some contact that “bothers” us more than necessary; Luckily, we always have the option to block it so that you cannot send us messages or access our data, as well as our profile photo or find out about our last connection to the app. But what happens when we are the ones blocked by another user? How can we know if that contact has blocked us? Below we offer you several clues to know if someone has really blocked us on WhatsApp.

How to know if they blocked you on WhatsApp | 4 tricks (2018)

How to know if I have been blocked on WhatsApp

Luckily, we have several signs that can suggest that a specific contact has blocked us. Now you can check if someone really doesn't want to hear from you on WhatsApp through the following tracks.

You can't see their profile picture

Unless you have a contact who is very jealous of his privacy and does not have a profile image, if suddenly you can't see the profile photo from someone on WhatsApp, they have most likely blocked you. It is not always a one hundred percent effective clue, since perhaps you have decided to delete your profile photo, which your smartphone does not work as it should or you have a problem with your version of WhatsApp; It is always advisable to update to the latest version for optimal performance. Still, if you don't see someone's profile photo, chances are they've blocked you.

WhatsApp Tricks: How to know if they have blocked me

Double check does not appear in chat

The WhatsApp double check is a controversial element, yes, but it can also give us some information:

  • A single check: your message has been sent your contact
  • Double check: your message has been received by your contact
  • Double blue check: your message has been read by your contact

WhatsApp Tricks: How to know if they have blocked me

If we send a chat message and see that only mark a single check, means that said message has not reached its recipient. If after a reasonable time the check is still alone and gray, it means that said contact cannot receive your messages, so they have probably blocked you.

You cannot make voice calls

If after checking any of the previous steps you still have doubts about whether a WhatsApp contact has blocked you, you can try make a voice call with the application's own option. Although it could be that said contact had lost mobile data coverage or had their phone turned off, if we cannot make a voice call through WhatsApp with said contact, yes, they have blocked you.

WhatsApp Tricks: How to know if they have blocked me

You can't see their connection status

WhatsApp allows us to see the connection status of the users, that is, the last time of your connection to the app and if it is connected at that moment, with the state of Online. If we cannot see any information about a specific contact, it is likely that they have blocked you. Of course, it is not completely secure evidence, since the application itself allows users to hide that information to have a little more privacy.

WhatsApp Tricks: How to know if they have blocked me

You can't add it to any group

Another evidence, this time, quite clear. If we try to add a specific contact to a group and we see that we cannot, we have been blocked on WhatsApp. To check, do as always, look for the contact in your calendar and add it to a group; there will be no sign that you can't add it but still you will not be able to see it in the list of added users. Of course, adding groups is only functional with both contacts added to their respective accounts. On the other hand, if you match that contact in another group, then you will be able to communicate with him or her.

WhatsApp Tricks: How to know if they have blocked me

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