Where WhatsApp audios are saved and how to share them

Find out where WhatsApp audio files are saved and how to find them

Next we will discover where are the audios saved? WhatsApp, so you can find the audio files you receive through the popular messaging app and even share them with other users. And today, the audios or voice notes of WhatsApp It is a resource that is constantly used, since it allows us to say something quickly and comfortably with our voice through an audio message instead of having to write with the touch keyboard of the mobile phone, especially in cases where it is important send a message as quickly as possible. Another advantage is that the interlocutor can listen to the message how and when you want. But where are the WhatsApp audios? Can we access them? Can they be shared? All the answers in our guide on where are the audios saved? WhatsApp on iOS and Android phones.

Where are the Audios I Receive on WhatsApp Saved?

Where WhatsApp audios are saved and how to find them

Index of contents

Where are WhatsApp audios saved on Android

Find the audios on a mobile Android It's pretty simple. And you will only have to use the File Browser native of the mobile or, in any case, discharge a Google Play file explorer like your own Google Files, which is free and official. Be that as it may, you will have to go to Internal storage until you find the folder WhatsApp.

Inside the folder WhatsApp you will have to locate a folder called Half; Inside you will see a folder for each type of multimedia file. In this case you will have to locate two, one call Audio for sounds, and another call Voice Notes for notes or voice messages. Within these folders you will see different folders in which the audio files you are looking for are housed, ordered according to dates in which those audios or voice notes were sent.

By accessing any of these subfolders you will find the audio files or voice notes; Click on a file to access your playback. Of course, the file names are random, so you will have to try audios (in case you have several) until you find the file you are looking for.

Where are WhatsApp audios saved?

Finally, if you want to share the audio file or voice note, all you have to do is keep the pressure on the file you want to share until a menu opens; Now you just have to choose the option Share. Choosing this option will open your main messaging or email apps, so you can choose the application you want to use to share said file with another person.

Where WhatsApp audios are saved on iPhone (iOS)

In the case of iPhone You will have to directly share the WhatsApp audios through the chat in which it is located, since in iOS they are not stored in a folder in the internal memory of the mobile. So, the first thing you will have to do is access the WhatsApp conversation where the chat you want to share is located.

Once located, you will have to click on the audio again and keep the pressure to open a context menu. In this menu click on Resend with an arrow curved to the right. When the audio is selected, you just have to press the icon Share represented by a square with an upward arrow and located in the lower right corner of the screen.

The menu will open Share of iOS with several options, either selecting a messaging app or email to which to attach the audio file, copy it to the clipboard or save it to Files, either a folder created by you or in your account iCloud. You choose.

Where are WhatsApp audios saved?

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