Dark Souls III Cheats for PS4, PC, Xbox One

Discover all the tricks and secrets, the different endings, equipment and secret areas of Dark Souls 3 for PS4, PC and Xbox One

Thanks to our tricks you will be able to squeeze out the latest adventure from From Software, Dark Souls III.

Dark Souls III Endings

Dark Souls III It has 4 different endings, when we see them we will get a Achievement/Trophy except in the 4th, all are obtained in the Furnace of the First Flame after defeating the Final Boss "Soul of Ashes". After the text you will find a video to make it clearer.

FINAL 1: Bind the First Flame

This is the easiest ending to achieve in Dark Souls III. To get it focus only on killing the main bosses to advance the story and when you defeat the final boss Soul of Ashes, use the bonfire that you will see in the area and select YES.

FINAL 2: The End of Fire

To get it You have to obtain the Eyes of the Fire Guardian and give them to the Fire Guardian, next to the bonfire after defeat the Final Boss we will see a symbol to invoke it and we will see this ending or the possibility of accessing the 4th ending.

FINAL 3: The Usurpation of Fire

To achieve it you must perform a long chain of missions and steps to unlock it. It is important to keep in mind that the steps must be carried out at the corresponding time or else the possibility of achieving it will be lost. You have to follow the stories of Yuria and Anri, although the text of the bonfire is “Link the First Flame” we will see this third ending if we have followed all the steps correctly.

ENDING 4: Secret Ending

During the final scene “The End of Fire”, we are given the option of attack the Guardian of Fire, if we do we will see this secret ending.


All Rings Dark Souls III

A very part important equipment in Dark Souls III are the rings, since they give us important improvements. We can carry 4 at a time maximum, Besides apart from normal rings which are all listed here below, there are +1 rings and +2 rings (below you will find some videos with its location) To To get the Master of the Rings Trophy/Achievement you need to find all the rings normal, all rings +1 and all rings +2. Here we leave you a video with the location of all the normal rings and a list with their effects.

Location and effects of all normal Rings

🏆Dark Souls 3 - All normal rings ("Master of the Rings" Trophy)

– Ring of life – Increases Maximum HP.
– Sunlight Princess Ring – Restores PS gradually.
– Estus ring – Increases HP restored per estus flask on a 20%.
– Ash Estus Ring – Increases CP restored per flask of ash estus.
– Chloranthy Ring – Increases the speed of energy recovery.
– Havel's Ring (Boss Soul) – Increases maximum charge by 15/17/18%.
– Favor ring – Increases HP, energy and maximum charge.
– Prisoner's Chain (Boss Soul) – Increases VGR 5, RES 5 and VIT 5 but they do more damage to us.
– Steel protection ring – Increases physical damage absorption.
– Magic Stone Plate Ring – Increases magic damage absorption.
– Flamestone Plate Ring – Increases fire damage absorption.
– Thunderstone Plate Ring – Increases electricity damage absorption.
– Dark Stone Plate Ring – Increases darkness damage absorption.
– Speckled Stone Plate Ring – Increases the absorption of magic, fire, electricity and darkness damage.
– Blood Bite Ring – Increases resistance to bleeding.
– Poisonous Bite Ring – Increases resistance to poison.
– Cursed Bite Ring – Increases curse resistance.
– Meat bite ring – Increases resistance to poison, bleeding, curse and freezing.
– Knight's ring – Increases STR by 5 points.
– Hunter's ring – Increases DEX by 5 points.
– Scholar's Ring – Increases INT by 5 points.
– Prayer ring – Increases Faith by 5 points.
– Greedy Golden Snake Ring – Increases the discovery of objects by 50 points.
– Greedy Silver Snake Ring – Enemies grant more souls.
– Saint ring (Irina) – Allows you to learn additional spells.
– Deep ring – Allows you to learn additional spells.
– Dark Moon Ring – Add learning slots.
– Young Dragon Ring (Orbeck's Quest) – Empowers spells on a 15%.
– Roaring Dragon Ring – Empowers spells on a 25%.
– Ring of the Great Swamp – Boosts pyromancies in a 12%.
– Witch ring – Enhances pyromancies in a 20%.
– Morne Ring – Power miracles in a 12%.
– Ring of the Firstborn of the Sun – Boosts damage miracles on a 20%.
– Eternal Dragon Emblem Ring – Extends the duration of spells.
– Wise Ring – Reduces spell casting time.
– Dusk Crown Ring – Reduces PC consumption on a 25% but also reduces PS.
– Lion ring – Strengthens the counterattack with a thrust weapon on a 15%.
– Wolf Ring – Increases Balance.
– Falcon Ring – Increases the range of arrows.
– Bumblebee ring – Boosts critical attacks with a 30%.
– Knight Killer Ring – Enemies lose more energy when protecting themselves.
– Evil Eye Ring (Anri's Quest) – Absorbs HP from defeated enemies.
– Farron's Ring – Reduces PC consumption of skills a 30%.
– Dragon Scale Ring – Reduces the damage received from the back of a 30%.
– Horse hoof ring – Powers the kick with a 30%.
– Wood grain ring – Slows down the deterioration of equipment.
– Flynn's Ring – Increases attack by reducing equipment weight.
– Magic Grip Ring – Increases magic attack by 15% but reduces damage absorption.
– Electric grip ring – Increases electric attack on a 15% but reduces damage absorption.
– Fire Grip Ring – Increases fire attack by 15% but reduces damage absorption.
– Dark grip ring – Increases darkness attack by 15% but reduces damage absorption.
– Red stone teardrop ring – Increases attack by a 20% when health is below 20%.
– Blue stone teardrop ring – Increases damage absorption by 20% when health is below 20%.
– Lloyd's Sword Ring – Increases attacks by a 10% with full HP.
– Lloyd's Shield Ring – Increases damage absorption for a 25% with full HP.
– Carthus Ring – Increases Dexterity by 3 points.
– Carthus Blood Ring – Grants invincibility when rolling but reduces defense by 15%.
– Right eye of the Pontiff – Boosts attacks up to 15%.
– Left eye of the Pontiff (Boss Soul) – Recovers HP with successive attacks (60 points).
– Aldrich Ruby – Recovers HP when performing critical attacks (85 points).
– Aldrich Sapphire – Recovers PC when performing critical attacks (15 points).
– Silver Cat Ring (Quest of Sirris) – Prevents damage from falls.
– Sleeping Dragon Emblem Ring (Orbeck's Quest) – Camouflages the sounds of the wearer.
– Fog ring – Conceals the wearer when they are far away.
– Fake Dark Ring (Yuria) – Maintains human appearance while being Hollow.
– Fake white ring (Yuria) – Gives the appearance of a spectrum.
– Investment ring – Men perform women's actions and vice versa.
– Skull ring – The enemy detects you more easily.
– Calamity Ring – Doubles the damage received.
– Ring of sacrifice (Yuria) – You don't lose anything when you die but the ring breaks.

Location of all Rings +1

Dark Souls 3 - Rings +1 ("Master of the Rings" Trophy)

Location of all Rings +2

Dark Souls 3 - Rings +2 ("Master of the Rings" Trophy)

All Oaths

In Dark Souls III there are 8 oaths, and they have a similar operation to the 2 previous games, meeting a character and completing the tasks they send us to increase our rank. We list each of the oaths and below you will see a video to start them, their requirements and their rewards.

  • blue path
  • Warriors of sunlight
  • Stackers
  • blue sentinels
  • dark moon swords
  • Farron Hounds
  • Aldrich Faithful
  • Rosaria's Fingers
Dark Souls 3: ALL COVENANTS EXPLAINED (Oaths Guide)

Archidragon Peak Secret Zone

Archdragon Peak is a secret area in Dark Souls III. To get there you need learn the gesture "Road to the old Dragon". You can get this in the room after Oceriros, the King consumed. Interact with the knight sitting in front of the fountain.
Once you have it, you have to go to the Irthyll Dungeon and reach an area to do this gesture for a few seconds, a scene will show you the new area and will teleport you directly.
In this area you can fight cagainst the "ancient Wyvern" , as well as against "Nameless King".

Reach the "Archidragon Peak" or "Dragon Zone" Dark souls 3

Complete guide for Dark Souls III by clicking here.