Dead Space Cheats for PS3, Xbox 360, PC

All Dead Space cheats, unlockables and collectibles

Accompany Isaac through the USG Ishimura and survive Dead Space.

Collectibles – Audio Records

The game has almost 200 records, for him "Storyteller" achievement/trophy only we will need 75  and 150 records for the "Fabulator" achievement/trophy, the vast majority are part of the story so we will obtain them naturally as we advance, the video only shows those that we can pick up from the ground or those that we can lose due to conversations when going to some places before others. 

Dead Space - Record Guide - Legend Teller Achievement / Trophy


Collectible Diagrams

The game has 16 diagrams to collect, in the video they are all included, but For the "Merchant" achievement/trophy we will only need 8. Once obtained we will have to go to the warehouse to download them and be able to use what they unlock for us, some of the diagrams help us unlock new weapons.

Dead Space - Diagram Guide - Achievement / Merchant Trophy


Dead Space Codes

In the Pause menu we can enter these codes, the first 2 can always be done, but those to obtain Credits and Energy Nodes only once per adventure.

Fill Oxygen

PS3 – square button square button square button triangle button triangle button

Xbox 360 - X button X button X button Y Button Y Button

Fill Stabilization and Kinetics

PS3 – square button triangle button triangle button square button triangle button

Xbox 360 - X button Y Button Y Button X button Y Button

+1000 Credits

PS3 – square button square button square button triangle button square button

Xbox 360 - X button X button X button Y Button X button

+2000 Credits

PS3 – square button square button square button triangle button triangle button

Xbox 360 - X button X button X button Y Button Y Button

+5000 Credits

PS3 – square button square button square button triangle button square button triangle button

Xbox 360 - X button X button X button Y Button X button Y Button

+10000 Credits

PS3 – square button triangle button triangle button triangle button square button square button triangle button

Xbox 360 - X button Y Button Y Button Y Button X button X button Y Button

2 Power Nodes

PS3 – triangle button square button square button square button triangle button

Xbox 360 - Y Button X button X button X button Y Button

5 Energy Nodes

PS3 – triangle button square button triangle button square button square button triangle button square button square button triangle button square button square button triangle button

Xbox 360 - Y Button X button Y Button X button X button Y Button X button X button Y Button  X button X button Y Button


  • 10 power nodes- Complete the game on any difficulty mode.
  • 50,000 credits- Complete the game on any difficulty mode.
  • Records of history- Complete the game on any difficulty mode.
  • Military Suit Diagram- Complete the game on any difficulty mode.
  • impossible mode- Complete the game on any difficulty mode.
  • New game +: Save the game after completing the game and you can start a new game + with all the previous items in your inventory.

Achievement – Don't be Gallito Chico

At the end of chapter 4 We have to protect the ship with a cannon, save the game before starting, each trigger is a shot and if we press both the shot is double, so as not to overload the cannon do not shoot at once, shoot with a single trigger at the small rocks and alternating between them, for the big ones use both to destroy them first, don't worry if you receive any hits, as long as we don't get off 50% we will get it.

Dead Space - Achievement / Trophy Don't get cocky, kid


Achievement – Hitter

In chapter 8 We face a giant slug using the SDA cannons that we use to defend the ship from the asteroids. In this case, we will have to prevent the boss from hitting the ship with the objects he throws. To prevent him from throwing them at us, we will have to hit him. the tentacles in the area that shines when they bend down to pick up an object or when they hold it, as long as the 50% shield is not lowered we will succeed.

Dead Space - Hitter Achievement/Trophy (Slugger)


Achievement – Marksman

We will can go to the shooting gallery during chapter 9In it we will have to overcome 5 levels of difficulty perfectly to get the achievement/trophy, you have to shoot all the dolls that turn red, not the blue ones, if you miss any don't worry, you can try again from the level in which you have failed.

Score needed at each level.
– Level 1: 1000 Points.
– Level 2: 1200 Points.
– Level 3: 1400 Points.
– Level 4: 1800 Points.
– Level 5: 2000 Points.

Dead Space - Achievement / Trophy Shooter (Crackshot)


Achievement – Basketball without Gravity

We can play basketball without gravity in chapter 10, the game is based on catching the ball with telekinesis and putting it through one of the holes in the wall, being careful that it is not closed, as we progress through the levels the holes will close faster and we will lose more time if we do not sneak the ball. ball quickly.

Dead Space - Basketball Without Gravity Achievement/Trophy (Z-Baller)


Achievement – Like a Romper

To achieve this achievement we have to get a gravity panel to kill an enemy. We can do it in several places throughout the game, the first time is in chapter 4, in this chapter we have two areas with enough enemies to do it, the video shows the two areas and some ways on how to make the enemies fall into the gravity panels.

Dead Space - Ragdoll Check Achievement/Trophy


Achievement – There will always be Peng!

In chapter 11, upon reaching the hangar we will have the opportunity to get hold of Peng's treasure, this one is located in the middle of the walkways, we can take it when we arrive with telekinesis or by approaching it when the area is in zero gravity.

Dead Space - Achievement / Trophy There will always be Peng! (There's Always Peng!)


Complete guide for Dead Space by clicking here.