Horizon Zero Dawn Guide – Inventory, Crafting, Weapons and Collectibles for PS4

Discover everything about Inventory, Crafting, Weapons and Collectibles in Horizon Zero Dawn

Inventory and Crafts

Horizon has a lot of resources, which we will have to manage throughout the adventure, here we are going to see the Inventory and Crafts menu.

Weapons : See below.

Outfits : The clothes we have available for use, the outfits can have the following statistics, which can be added or affected with modifiers.

  • Ranged attack resistance.
  • Melee resistance.
  • Stealth.
  • Resists fire.
  • Resistance to corruption.
  • Resistance to electricity.
  • Resists the cold.

Modifications : Here we can consult the modifiers that we have obtained, these are used to equip Weapons and Outfits and improve their statistics, the number of modifier slots can vary between weapons and outfits depending on their rarity.

Resources : All the resources we have collected.

Treasure Boxes : We can find them through mapping or when dealing with merchants, you have to go to this tab to open them and collect what they contain.

Special Items : Sell this gift to any merchant in exchange for special bonus items.

Ammunition : To check all the ammunition we carry.

Traps and Potions : To consult all traps and potions.


In this tab, we can equip modifiers to Weapons and Outfits.

In traps we can make Traps, Health Potions and Stamina Potions if we have the required resources.


  • Electric trap: Cable x2 – Metal Vessel x1 – Sparks x10.
  • Detonating explosive trap: Cable x2 – Metal Vessel x1 – Fire x3.
  • Explosive trap: Cable x2 – Metal Vessel x12 – Fire x2.

Health Potions 

  • Health Potion: Restores 150 health. Rich meat x2 – Fatty meat x3.
  • Health Increase Potion: Health increase by 150. Fatty Meat x3 – Bony Meat x5.
  • Full Health Potion: Restores all health. Rich meat x5 – Fatty meat x5 – Bony meat x3

Stamina Potions

  • Anti-Fire Potion: Fiery Furnace Root x3.
  • Anti-Electricity Potion: Electric Wax Root x3.
  • Anti-Cold Potion: Frost Root x3.
  • Antidote: Root bathed in corruption x3.

Loading capacity

In this tab we can increase the size of our bags, backpacks and Quiver, it is convenient to increase each one to be able to carry and accumulate more objects.

  • Increase the size of the weapon backpack.
  • Increase the size of a backpack for outfits.
  • Increase resource backpack size.
  • Increase backpack size for modifications.
  • Increase potion bag size.
  • Increase the size of the trap bag.
  • Increase the size of the hunting bow quiver.
  • Increase the size of the Stunner ammo pouch.

Ammunition, from here we can create the ammunition for our weapons, but we can also do it while we play by pressing 

Journey, Here we can make fast travel packages, which will allow us to move around the discovered bonfires and settlements on the map.

Fast Travel Package : Cliff Wood x15 – Fatty Meat x3 – Bony Meat x3.


In Horizon Zero Dawn, we have different weapons, as well as equipment, of each weapon we can find many types, in special boxes, as rewards and dealing with merchants, the color indicates its level of rarity. They may also have slots to equip modifiers and thus increase some of their parameters or add some effect to them. 

Weapons can have the following stats, which can be added or affected by mods.

  • Driving – Fast reload, aim.
  • Damage – Damage to the target.
  • Extraction – Removes armor, components.
  • Igneous – Damage over time.
  • Corruption – The target attacks everyone.
  • Electric – Stuns the enemy.
  • Freezing – Multiplies subsequent damage.


This melee weapon launches a fast light attack R1 button which can remove armor plates, or a slower heavy attack R2 button which can knock down smaller enemies. Available from the beginning.


Aloy's standard weapon has several types of ammunition, can be improved and there are several abilities that allow us to shoot more arrows. The Bow will always go with us, so it is advisable to carry a good amount of arrows and increase the Quiver to always be well stocked. Available from the beginning.

Arrows : Cliff Wood x2 – Metal Shard x1

Igneous Arrows : Cliff Wood x2 – Metal Shard x5 – Fire x3 


This weapon creates traps that detonate when the cable connecting two anchor points breaks. It is most effective on enemy patrol routes or in confined spaces. Can be modified. Available in mission 2 by talking to Karst.

Electrical Cable: Metal Shard x8 – Cable x4 – Sparks x8


Prowler Skills

  • 1 Point – Silent Attack: Press R1 button to silently eliminate small machines and humans, or deal heavy damage to medium enemies.
  • 2 Points – Strike from the sky: Press R1 button to fall silently and take out small machines and humans, or deal heavy damage to medium enemies.
  • 3 Points – Hit from below: Press R1 button while hanging under a human enemy to silently eliminate them.
  • 3 Points – Attack on leader: Press R1 button to silently eliminate heavy enemies or elite humans.
  • 1 Point – Hunter Reflexes: Slows down time when aiming while jumping or sliding.
  • 2 Points – Balanced aim: Use ranged weapons when balancing on ropes.
  • 3 Points – Powerful Attack: The attacks Silent Attack, Strike from the Sky, Strike from Below and Leader Attack, deal 15% more damage.
  • 3 Points – Powerful Attack +: The attacks Silent Attack, Strike from the Sky, Strike from Below and Leader Attack one more 35% of damage.
  • 1 Point – Stealth Fall: After a fall or jump, you land completely silently, so you won't alert enemies.
  • 2 Points – Discreet: Further reduces your visibility to enemies when crouching.
  • 3 Points – Dodge Expertise: Hold circle button to cover more ground when rolling or touching circle button to cover less.
  • 3 Points – Silent Sprint: You sprint silently, greatly reducing the chance of alerting nearby enemies.

Brave Skills

  • 1 Point – Concentration: When aiming, alternate with R3 button to slow down time.
  • 2 Points – Weight lifter: You move faster when wielding a heavy weapon.
  • 3 Points – Concentration +: Increases the maximum duration of Concentration.
  • 3 Points – Fast recharge: Recharge faster when using Concentration.
  • 1 Point – Critical Hit: Press R1 button to launch a very damaging attack on fallen enemies.
  • 2 Points – Critical Hit +: Critical hits deal more damage.
  • 3 Points – Double Shot: Press R1 button when you aim to prepare one more arrow on all bows.
  • 3 Points – Triple shot: Press R1 button when aiming to prepare three arrows at once on all bows.
  • 1 Point – Accuracy: Light spear attacks have more options to remove armor and components.
  • 2 Points – Accuracy +: Light spear attacks have many options to remove armor and components.
  • 3 Points – Knock Down: Powerful spear attacks will take down machines faster.
  • 3 Points – Counterattack: Powerful spear attacks deal more damage when Aloy's health is low.

Gatherer Skills

  • 1 Point – Attract: Uses ! in the tools menu to attract the enemy that is closest and most focused on her vision to Aloy's position.
  • Combat sabotage: Increases the time a machine will remain sabotaged by 50%.
  • Combat sabotage +: Indefinitely increases the time a machine will remain sabotaged.
  • Call mount +: Calls a new sabotaged mount if none are available.
  • 1 Point – Healer: Speeds up the healing of the medicine bag.
  • 2 Points – Herbalist: Doubles the capacity of the medicine bag.
  • 3 Points – Disarm traps: Traps and tripwires can now be disassembled and reused.
  • 3 Points – Handyman: You can now remove weapon coils and cloth from outfits to reuse them.
  • 1 Point – Harvester: Obtains more natural resources by scavenging.
  • 2 Points – Scavenger: You can get additional resources by looting downed machines.
  • 3 Points – Ammo Maker: You make more ammunition with the same amount of resources.
  • 3 Points – Scavenger +: Additional resources are more likely to be obtained by looting downed machines.