Mario Kart 8 Cheats for Wii U

Discover all the tricks and keys to be the best driver in Mario Kart 8 for WiiU

We help you with the latest Mario racing game, discover all the secrets to become the best driver in Mario Kart 8.

Mario Kart 8 WiiU

Unlock the characters

Mario Kart 8 - Characters

In total we can unlock 14 characters and they are given to us randomly.

Pink Metal Peach, Metal Mario, Baby Estela, Toadette, Estela, Lakitu, Morton, Ludwing, Wendy, Larry, Lemmy, Iggy and Roy. To unlock them you have to complete cups in different categories, by making 150 cups and using mirror mode we can get them all. To unlock the Mii you need to win all the cups for the first time.

golden pieces 

Mario Kart 8 - Golden Kart

To unlock the Golden Kart, we have to complete all the drinks with at least a star, including mirror mode.

To unlock the Golden wheels, you have to win all the Nintendo Ghosts in the mode Time trial.

To unlock the Golden Wing, upon getting 10,000 coins.

Mirror Mode

Mario Kart 8 - Mirror Mode

To unlock the Mirror mode, must be completed all glasses in 150cc with 3 stars In each one, this means finishing first in the 4 races of each cup to reach 60 points.

DLC circuit shortcuts

A very important part of being a great driver in Mario Kart is knowing the secret shortcuts of the circuits, here we leave you a video with the shortcuts of all the circuits of the 2 DLC.

The Secret Shortcuts of the DLC's - Mario Kart 8

Complete guide for Mario Kart 8 by clicking here.