With the long-awaited remake of Medievil around the corner to Playstation 4, many are replaying the fantastic action-adventure video game that was released in 1998 for PlayStation, a console that hosts great games and that also recently had its version PlayStation Mini.
Cheat menus.
There are several ways to access the cheats menu, cheats or to access extended mode:
To enter the cheat menu we must pause the game and hold down
while we press:
To enter the cheat menu we must pause the game and hold down
and press:
To unlock extended mode, pause the game and hold
while pressing:
To activate level selection and invulnerability, press and hold in the pause menu
and press:
Teleportation and first person.
Sometimes the game can be put in first person if you hold down the button +
To use bounces you will have to enter the cheat menu. Select option camera and choose the Plugin 8. Press to return to the game. Use the crosshair to move the camera,
to zoom in or out, and
to move it up and down.
Now point the sword that has appeared in the middle of the screen towards the place where you want our character to teleport, and pause the game. Go to option camera and press to change the plugin to Clear.
Once the pause is removed you will be where you pointed the sword.