Great Sword
Downcut – /
Horizontal Pit – /
Hook - +
Onslaught – Charging /
Blocking - /
Loaded Pit – Hold the button down to increase the power of the downward cut. The longer you keep it, the more powerful it will be. Release it at the right moment and you will launch a highly powerful slash.
Assault – The charge fortifies the player, making them immune to being pushed or knocked down by even the most ferocious attacks.
Long sword
Spirit Gauge – Hit monsters with your attacks to fill the spirit gauge, then consume it with spirit slash attacks. If you hit with spiritual rotation blows you will also change the color of the indicator, increasing its attack power.
Clairvoyant Slash – Clairvoyant Slash can be done mid-combo and has a long window of invulnerability. If the attack hits after dodging an attack, you will fill the spirit gauge. Press then /
to chain with a spiritual rotation.
Spiritual Lunge – A powerful blow that will cost you one color level of the spirit gauge. If you connect, the gauge will begin to fill on its own, especially if it is red.
Sword and shield
ramming attack – If you attempt to launch a slash by charging up a hill or onto a ledge, you will perform a terrain-specific attack.
Use Objects – With the sword and shield it is possible to use objects without stopping brandishing the weapon.
Sling operation – You can use the sling with your sword and shield drawn.
Double Swords
Demon mode – Demon mode improves attacks, movement and dodging, as well as making you immune to being pushed, but gradually consumes stamina while active. End when you end Demon Mode, or when stamina reaches zero.
Demonic indicator – The Demon Gauge refills with each hit you cause in Demon Mode, and depletes over time. Fill it completely to enter archdemon mode.
Archdemon mode – Archdemon mode improves various actions and increases attack. Using the improved actions causes the demonic gauge to be consumed. Upon emptying, archdemon mode will end
Carry – Holding down the charge button accumulates power at the cost of consuming stamina. There are 3 types of attack depending on the charge level.
Store cargo – Increases attack power and stun effect, and prevents you from staggering while attacking or charging. It also changes the movement of your charged attack. The effect lasts until you sheath the weapon or until you are hit by an enemy attack that causes a reaction such as staggering or knocking you back.
Tap – Place notes on the score with your attacks in the proper order to create a melody, and play it to apply the melody's effects on yourself and nearby allies.
Press either
while holding down
to select a melody from the score. With an encore you can apply the same melody effect again and thus lengthen or enhance its effect.
Symphony – Note 2 deals two full backhands if you play it while moving, or right after another note 2. If you insert a note 1, 2 or 3 between these backhands you will play a symphony, adding the note to the final attack.
Counter throw – Hold down /
to prepare the shield. Blocking an attack while your shield is up will cause you to launch an automatic counterattack. Press quickly
instead of holding it to quickly transition to canceled lunge.
Powerful Lock – Press +
while charging a counter throw or when blocking a blow for a powerful block. While you have your shield up you will consume stamina, but the recovery time when blocking will be much shorter while you have stamina. Reactions to attacks during Power Block allow you to counterattack quickly.
Gun Lance
Ammunition Type – There are 3 types of ammunition, normal, long and fan.
- Normal – has the most ammunition
- Long – offers the greatest range of reach.
- Fan – Limited ammo, but deals heavy damage in a wide radius.
Wurm Canyon – If we press the fire button after having fired 2 shots we activate the Wurm Cannon, this attack fires a blade that causes multiple impacts and then explodes. Reload as normal to reload the wyrm cannon.
Sword Ax
change indicator – The sword ax can mutate to sword mode when the change indicator is above the white mark. The gauge refills while you are in ax mode, and can also be recharged slightly if it is below the white mark.
Vials – Attacking in sword mode will consume the shift gauge, but will add the effects of a vial to your attacks.
Amplified state – Repeatedly attacking in sword mode causes the vials to enter an amplified state, boosting your sword attacks.
Charged Ax
Charge indicator – Attack in sword mode to accumulate sword energy. If you stack too much, the attacks will bounce back. Load vials when the gauge is yellow or higher to fill a vial, which you can use in ax mode to launch powerful attacks.
Blocking Attacks – Some Sword Mode attacks have moments where you block, such as at the end of the Spinning Slash or the start of the Slash and Mutation. If an attack hits you with your shield facing forward, you will automatically block.
Charged attack – Focused Elemental Slash and Charged Double Slash will not execute properly if you hold the button for too long. To perform the movement successfully you must release the button at the right time.
Elemental Bonus – If you use the Spinning Slash with Elemental Bonus on the Ax with at least one vial, you will add Elemental Power to the shield and improve the attacks and blocks of the Ax Mode, as well as upgrading Super Elemental Shock to Mega Elemental Shock. If attacking in sword mode you parry an attack while the shield has elemental power, you will automatically perform a counterattack. The contra vial will cause monsters point-blank damage from the corresponding element.
Insect Glaive
Kinsects Extraction – Get extracts by marking monsters with the kinsect. You can get four types that are extracted from different parts of the body: red, white, orange and green.
Call back the kinsect to achieve the effect of the extract, which will depend on the color:
- Red – improves attack.
- White – speeds up movement.
- Orange – avoids pushes while attacking.
- Green – restores health.
Mark Goal – Target a part of your prey's body and the Kinsect will attack it, releasing Kinsect Dust. If you then hit the area, the dust will explode and cause the corresponding effect.
Light Crossbow
Purchased with the heavy crossbow, the light one allows speed of movement and quick reloading, at the cost of high recoil and a small magazine. Hold down /
to reload all types of ammunition one by one.
Wyvern Burst – Place a bomb on the ground that explodes when attacked. The ammo counter regenerates over time.
Heavy Crossbow
Compared to the light crossbow, the heavy crossbow is slow to move and reload, but has low recoil and a high-capacity magazine. Hold down /
to reload all types of ammunition one by one.
Load special shot – Allows you to prepare the special shot. Press /
again to unload the ammo and let it regenerate.
Shooting – Keep the bow drawn, spending stamina but adding various levels of damage to the arrows. You can also deal more levels of damage by shooting in quick succession, or by dodging after a shot and firing again immediately afterward.
Arrow Vials – Use vials to add effects to your arrows:
- Point Blank Vial – higher damage, lower range.
- Vial of Power – boosts the attack.
- Paralyzing Vial – adds paralyzing effect.
- Poison Vial – adds poison effect.
- Ground vial – adds sleep effect.
- Nitro Vial – adds nitro effect.