We help you to know all the secrets of the scenarios and learn the strengths and weaknesses of all the characters in Overwatch.
Tricks and Secret Areas in the Maps
Here we leave you some videos to learn about the Overwatch maps and their best positions to become the best players.
This powerful robot is a defensive character, can be in two states, Recognition with which we can move and have a lower damage rate or the mode Sentinel in which it becomes a perfect turret to cover areas and paths given its high damage.
Bastion Skills
Machine gun : When we are in Recon mode it is not as powerful but it is a practical weapon. In Sentinel mode its damage increases significantly.
Reconfiguration : This ability allows us to change from Reconnaissance mode to Sentinel mode.
Self-repair : This skill helps us recover health but it is a long process and slows us down, it is best to use it in areas without enemies.
Ultimate Skill (Tank Mode) : Bastion becomes a tank for a limited time capable of attacking enemies with explosive missiles, since we are an easy target, careful not to get among many enemies.
Despite being a tank, its defensive role is not as developed as that of other characters of the same style, it is the most offensive tank and must be take advantage of your mobility and damage from your light gun. Although it has good range you have to be close to the enemies to cause great damage.
D.Va's Skills
Fusion Cannons: These are the weapons used by the Mecha, it has infinite ammunition but we can barely move when we shoot.
Light Gun: It is the weapon we use when we are not in the Mecha, it is quite effective so shoot as much as we can while we recover our robot.
Defense Matrix: With this ability D. Va deploys a shield in front of her perfect for repelling attacks, but it lasts a very short time.
Drivers: We can propel ourselves for a few seconds to go faster or reach high areas.
Ultimate Skill (Self-Destruct) : D. Va ejects from his Mecha causing an explosion with a good range and a lot of damage.
The Cyborg Ninja Genji is a offensive, elusive and fast character, perfect for infiltrating enemy lines, Its greatest virtue is hand-to-hand combat so you have to master it to get its maximum possibilities.
Genji's abilities
-Shurikens: Genji throws his ninja weapons, in total we can use 24, although their launch speed is not very high and they have medium damage.
-Detour: This skill allows us to block and repel enemy projectiles and even return them, it is a very good skill for direct confrontations.
-Fast Cut: With this ability Genji moves very quickly so it is good to use it as an evasive ability, but it also hits rivals.
-Ultimate Skill (Dragon Blade) : Genji takes out his Katana to deliver powerful melee blows. It can be combined with the Quick Cut skill, making it a great skill in addition to its speed.
Hanzo is a character to use as a sniperHis greatest virtue is the use of the bow and silence, so he is good at medium and long distance and in high positions to take advantage of his weapons, in short distances it loses a lot.
Hanzo's Skills
-Storm Arc: Its main weapon has infinite ammunition, although the tension and trajectory of the projectile must be calculated, it is not a very precise weapon but very damaging if it hits and also silent.
-Sonic Arrow: This ability allows us to locate enemies and shoot more accurately, whenever we can it is best to use it.
-Scatter Arrow: When you shoot this arrow it splits into several projectiles once it hits, it is good for hitting enemies hidden in buildings.
-Ultimate Skill (Dragon Attack) : When using his ultimate ability, Hanzo launches an arrow accompanied by a dragon that damages all enemies it hits, and also has the ability to pass through walls.
Is a character clearly defensive, its greatest virtues lie in ranged combat and placing traps to protect areas, melee has the chance to lose.
Junkrat Skills
-Grenade launcher : It has 5 shots, the projectiles explode after a few seconds, easy to dodge, but very effective in making enemies escape and damaging if the explosion hits them.
-Total chaos : When we die, this ability allows us to leave some grenades to take revenge on our enemies.
-Concussion Mine: Junkrat places a mine that can detonate from a distance, but if we use it on ourselves it allows us to reach high positions.
-Straps: This ability places a trap to trap enemies for a few seconds, very good for protecting areas.
-Ultimate Skill (Explosive Wheel) : Junkrat launches a wheel that we can handle and detonate at will, it is very damaging but enemies can destroy it before it reaches them.
Lucio is a supporting character that can change abilities between increasing the speed of allies and healing them, making our team more effective.
Lucio's Skills
-Sound amplifier : A not very powerful weapon but that allows us to cause extra damage and defend ourselves while we move and heal allies.
-Change of Track: This ability allows us to switch between Healing and Speed.
-High: Healing or Speed skill boost increased.
-Ultimate Skill (Sound Barrier) : Creates a shield that protects us and our allies, it takes a few seconds to do it.
McCree is a very powerful attack hero at short distances thanks to his revolver, although we have to be accurate with him. Accompanied by a good tank and a sniper, we can wreak havoc by infiltrating the enemy ranks thanks to their skills.
McCree's abilities
-Peacemaker: A very powerful revolver at short and medium distance, but it only has 6 bullets in its magazine so you have to be precise when using it, it has a quick mode to empty the entire magazine at whatever is in front of us
-Evasion: He performs a somersault that allows him to dodge the bullets and at the same time reloads his weapon.
-Blinding Grenade: It serves to paralyze and stun enemies, turning them into easy targets, and it can also be used to neutralize definitive abilities if we use it at the right time.
-Ultimate Skill (Unforgiven) : With this ability you can fix your enemies while you are static, it is dangerous since we can be annihilated while using it, but used correctly we will take a few of them ahead.
Mei has a defensive role thanks to its freezing abilities, it is best not to expose yourself too much with her and use her walls to trap rivals, using Mei we have to have good contact with our companions so that they take advantage of her skills.
Mei's Skills
-Endothermic Gun: Mei's weapon has 2 firing modes, the close-range mode slows down and freezes enemies, very useful for our companions to annihilate the enemy. The medium range mode launches ice floes with good damage and a medium rate of fire.
-Cryonics: Mei creates a small ice cube around her for a few seconds, ideal for healing or holding off until a teammate comes to our aid.
-Ice Wall: This ability is very useful for blocking areas if we use it well, it helps us lay ambushes and traps on enemies.
-Ultimate Skill (Blizzard) : With her ultimate ability, Mei freezes enemies at medium range, ideal for using against a group of enemies.
Mercy is a clearly supportive character with which our role in attacking is very reduced, its healing power is very high and thanks to the fact that it can also increase the damage of its allies, it is perfect for tipping the battle in our favor, of course, we must be accompanied to be able to get the most out of it.
Mercy's Abilities
-Caducean Pistol: A gun with a fairly low damage rate only serves to defend ourselves.
-Caduceus Staff: It allows us to heal or increase the damage of our companions. As a healing tool it is the best in the game.
-Guardian angel : With this ability we can fly for a few seconds and see our mobility increased. Very useful to reach any colleague
-Angelic Descent: With this ability we can slowly descend from high positions and stay away from explosions.
-Ultimate Skill (Resurrection) : Mercy can resurrect companions who have fallen in the last moments, using it wisely can tip the game in our favor.
Thanks to your skills Pahrah is one of the funniest and most versatile charactersDue to its great mobility thanks to the thrusters, it is ideal for bombing enemies from above.
Pharah's Abilities
-Rocket launcher: It has 6 shots that are not fast but cause great damage and also damage with the explosion radius, we can also use it to move enemies and throw them into the void.
-Propellants: Thanks to the thrusters, Pharah can fly for a few seconds. This ability is very useful for reaching high areas and escaping enemy attacks.
-Concussion Shot: This ability stuns enemies, very good when we are cornered.
-Ultimate Skill (Bombering) : Pharah fires a flurry of missiles at everything in front of her, perfect for taking out groups of enemies that are close together.
Is one of the most powerful heroes and has great health, very lethal at close range Thanks to its shotguns, it is ideal for taking down the other team's tanks, although its strong point is not mobility, it has the Spectral Form ability.
Reaper Abilities
-Infernal Shotguns: Reaper's shotguns have great damage and 8 shots, at short range they make him one of the most powerful heroes.
-Spectral Form: This ability gives us invulnerability against enemy shots for a few seconds, perfect for seeking face-to-face combat and destroying our enemies with shotguns.
-Passage of darkness: This ability transports us to the area we mark, very good for catching enemies off guard and taking advantage of it when we have the ultimate ability loaded.
-Ultimate Skill (Death Spiral): With his ultimate ability, Reaper goes around shooting incessantly, a very damaging ability although we are also vulnerable, so you have to catch your rivals by surprise.
He is a hero tank type which has a great health but with little mobility and due to his size he is a fairly easy target, however his shield recharges quite quickly and when used well he can be one of the most necessary characters on teams thanks to his “Protective Field”. It is important that you have the support of the team and an ally who can heal him.
Reinhardt's Abilities
-Reaction hammer: The melee weapon par excellence, it has devastating damage but you have to be very close to the opponent.
-Protective Field: Reinhardt creates a wall that can block a large amount of damage (up to 2,000) and also allows teammates to shoot through the barrier.
-Onslaught: A forward charge in which Reinhardt takes out any enemies he catches in his path, very useful for reducing the health of enemy tanks and slow characters. Be careful when using it so as not to fall off the stage by mistake.
-Fire Wave: The only ranged attack is a movement that you can see coming, but it has good damage.
Ultimate Skill (Eismic): Reinhardt hits the ground with his powerful hammer, creating a wave that knocks down nearby enemies, which we can take advantage of to attack them without problems.
RoadHog is a hero tank type, has highest health in the game, but it has the least protection of all the tanks, which it compensates with its “Inhaler” ability. His strength is in close distances and united with another tank or a support teammate who heals him can be very dangerous.
Roadhog Skills
-Scrapyard: A weapon with a high damage rate and that has a mode for short distance and another for medium distance, however it has a very limited magazine and average precision.
-Inhaler: With this ability we can heal a good part of our health, but when we do it it is better to be in a safe area since it takes a while and we will be vulnerable.
-Hook: This ability allows us to hook an enemy and attract him towards us to empty the junkyard's magazine at point-blank range, if we succeed he can be left for dead. It can also be used to stop enemies' ultimate abilities.
-Ultimate Skill (Dirty Play) : RoadHog shoots continuously and very quickly, apart from having great damage it also displaces enemies.
Symmetra is a support hero, thanks to its turrets it can tilt the battle towards our team if we use them correctly. In terms of attack, its best asset is melee since it loses a lot at medium and long distances. It can give a shield bonus to companions and its ultimate ability can help us win battles.
Symmetra's Abilities
-Photon Projector: A very powerful weapon at short distances, it also has a charging mode to launch a projectile with good damage but very slow.
-Sentinel Turrets: Symmetra places turrets that can destroy enemies quickly, although they are very vulnerable to enemy fire. We can place 3 at a time and 6 at most.
-Photon Shield: With this ability Symmetra can place a shield over her allies and give them 25 extra health points. Important to use this skill whenever we can.
-Ultimate Skill (Teleporter) : This is one of the best ultimate abilities in the entire game if we know how to use it well and get along with our team members, it places a teleporter that connects with the base and allows fallen allies to quickly return to the battle. We can also place turrets nearby to protect the teleporter.
One of the most balanced heroes in the entire game, being a character clearly offensive It has good healing power and thanks to its abilities we can use it in all types of combat.
Soldier Skills 76
-Heavy pulse rifle: A weapon that has a medium/high range, is accurate and has a very large magazine.
-Propeller Rockets: A rocket shot that does a lot of damage and with a small radius that also damages enemies near the impact.
-Sprint: This ability allows us to move quickly to get into advantageous positions or escape enemy attacks.
-Biotic Field: It allows you to heal team members, ideal for our support hero to heal our tank.
-Ultimate Skill (Tactical Visor): With his ultimate ability, Soldier 76 automatically targets enemies, very useful for clearing areas of enemies and scoring a few casualties.
Thanks to his abilities, this hero has a lot of health and is very good at short distances. As defensive hero we must focus on the use of the turret and in distribute armor packs whenever we can.
Torbjörn's Abilities
-Riveter and forging hammer: The riveter is a weapon with good damage and good range, it has 18 shots. With the Hammer we can hit enemies melee and do good damage.
-Turret: Torbjörn places a turret that can be improved up to three times, practically becoming another ally. It is quite precise and if we raise it to the maximum level it will also do good damage
-Armor Pack: We can throw these packs on the ground for our companions to pick up, giving them extra armor, or we can use them ourselves.
-Ultimate Skill (Nuclear Fusion) : A very good ability knowing its use, apart from turning Torbjörn into a killing machine if we have placed a turret when using his ultimate ability he will automatically go to level 3.
Despite having a normal life, Tracer is very fast and a difficult target for enemies.Thanks to its mobility and its pulse guns, its function is to do the most damage possible to the enemies but without stopping moving, Thanks to its "Regression" ability we can correct situations.
Tracer Abilities
-Pulse Guns: It has a very fast rate of fire and is quite accurate, it also has a good reload speed so they are good at causing a lot of damage.
-Translation: Tracer can be used up to 3 times to move from one point to another instantly, they recharge quite quickly so use it whenever you can to escape or catch enemies by surprise.
-Regression: This ability is very good since it allows us to temporarily go back a few seconds, recovering the position and life we had at that moment, perfect for correcting errors.
-Ultimate Skill (Pulse Bomb) : Tarcer throws a sticky bomb with great damage to all enemies in its range, a perfect ability to combine with other characters' ultimate abilities that leave enemies immobile.
This hero is for long distances and take advantage of his sniperThanks to the Hook we can access elevated positions to cover our teammates and have good shooting vision, At short distances it is quite vulnerable so these confrontations must be avoided.
Widowmaker Skills
-Widow's Kiss: A very powerful Sniper if we aim correctly, at short distances it has an assault rifle mode to defend ourselves.
-Hook : It allows us to climb to high areas to take advantage of its sniper and also allows us to escape from enemies quickly.
-Poison Mine: Mines that reduce the health of enemies that pass over them, as long as we can use them, it is best to place them in crossing positions.
-Ultimate Skill (Infravision): With this ability Widowmaker can signal all enemies to know their location. Thanks to this we will be able to shoot them at will with our sniper.
This ape is a tank hero, thanks to its abilities it is the tank with the greatest mobility and one of the most resistant in hand-to-hand combat, over long distances it is practically useless.
Winston's abilities
-Tesla cannon: A very good weapon for short distances and we practically do not even have to aim to be accurate.
-Powered Jump: This ability allows us to move quickly to surprise enemies, the good thing is that if we fall on them we will do tremendous damage.
-Force field : Winston places a barrier that blocks all damage from enemy fire, perfect for covering areas.
-Ultimate Skill (Primal Rage): Winston brings out all his rage and greatly increases his health and damage, it is perfect to use against a group of enemies and crush them with blows.
Tank type, Zarya has the lowest health of all the tanks, but on the other hand his life regenerates very quickly after stopping taking damage for a few seconds. It has great offensive power thanks to its “Particle Barrier and Projected Barrier” abilities. It is good to combine her with an offensive player like Soldier 76 or Reaper.
Zarya's Skills
-Particle Cannon: It has two shooting modes, one for short distances that fires a beam with good damage and another for long distances that fires explosive projectiles to punish enemies sheltered in closed areas.
-Particle Barrier: It gives us a shield that also when we receive damage will increase our offensive power.
-Projected Barrier: Very similar to the previous one but the shield is thrown over a teammate, it also increases our offensive power.
-Ultimate Skill (Gravity Bomb) : This attack attracts all nearby enemies towards it and causes damage to them. They are also immobilized for a few seconds, which we can use with our team to finish them off, but be careful, the enemies also continue shooting.
Zenyatta is a support hero He has little health and we must keep our distance from the enemies and be very aware of the snipers, but his Orb abilities They work very well to support the team both defensively and offensively.
Zenyatta's Abilities
-Orb of Destruction: This weapon is not too fast but it has good damage, we have 20 projectiles.
-Orb of Harmony: With this ability we can heal the health of a companion little by little and once it is fully healed we can give it to another.
-Orb of Discord: This ability works like the previous one but we put it on the enemies so that the shots do more damage to them.
-Ultimate Skill (Transcendence) : With his ultimate ability, Zenyatta makes himself invulnerable to gunfire and greatly heals the health of his teammates who are close to his radius of action. It is good to use when capturing the target area or protecting it.
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