Pokémon GO: Shellos, Mesprit and all regional Pokémon

Guide to locate all regional Pokémon in the world of Pokémon GO

Pokémon GO you have numerous Pokémon that are exclusive to certain regions of the world such as Shellos, Mesprit, Sigilyph and many more, Pokémon creatures that we can only capture if we are in their own region of influence. These are the so-called regional Pokémon or exclusive and we can only get hold of them if we travel to your continent or country in which you can find yourself or wait for some of the few rotations that Niantic takes place very occasionally. Therefore, we offer you a list with all regional or exclusive Pokémon from Pokémon GO, so that you can get the ones you need if you travel to certain parts of the planet.


All regional Pokémon in Pokémon GO

Below we offer you the complete list of regional Pokémon or exclusive to Pokémon GO:

Generation 1 | Kanto

  • Taurus: United States, Canada and Greenland
  • Mr Mine: Europe
  • Kangaskhan: Australia
  • Farfetch'd: Asia

Generation 2 | johto

  • Heracross: Central and South America
  • Corsola: Central America, Canary Islands and other regions of the equator

Generation 3 | Hoenn

  • Torkoal: India and South Asia
  • Zangoose: Asia, Australia and Europe
  • Seviper: South America, North America and Africa
  • Solrock: South America, North America and Africa
  • Lunatone: Asia, Australia and Europe
  • Relicanth: New Zealand, Fiji Islands and New Caledonia
  • Illumise: South America, North America and Africa
  • Volbeat: Asia, Australia and Europe
  • Tropius: Africa

Generation 4 | Sinnoh

  • Pachirisu: Alaska, Canada and Russia
  • Shellos: Western Hemisphere (pink form), Eastern Hemisphere (blue form)
  • Chatot: Southern Hemisphere
  • Carnivine: Southeastern United States
  • Uxie: North America, South America and Greenland
  • Mesprit: Europe, Middle East, Africa and India
  • Azelf: Asia-Pacific

Generation 5 | Unova

  • Pansage: Asia-Pacific
  • Pansear: Europe, Middle East, Africa and India
  • Panpour: America and Greenland
  • Heatmor: Western Hemisphere
  • Durant: Eastern Hemisphere
  • Throh: North America, South America and Africa
  • Sawk: Europe, Asia and Australia
  • Maractus: Southern United States, Mexico, Central America, Caribbean and South America
  • Sigilyph: Egypt and Greece
  • Basculin Red Stripe Form: Eastern Hemisphere (Red Stripe form), Western Hemisphere (Blue Stripe form)

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