Pokémon Masters: how to evolve your Pokémon

Tutorial to learn how to evolve your Pokémon creatures in the new free to play app for iOS and Android

Pokémon Masters, the new phenomenon free to play in iOS and Android mobiles and that has already surpassed 10 million downloads In just 4 days since its launch, it offers its players an entire pocket Pokémon universe through two basic mechanics: 3 on 3 combats and type collecting gacha. And it is precisely through one of its most striking claims, such as the possibility of “getting hold of everyone,” we want to offer you a tutorial to learn how to evolve your Pokemon, in order to obtain the most powerful equipment we can imagine. Next, how to evolve Pokémon in Pokémon Masters for mobiles.

HOW TO EVOLVE YOUR POKÉMON? | Pokemon Masters Spanish

How to evolve Pokémon in Pokémon Masters

To evolve your Pokémon in Pokémon Masters and unlike other successful games like Pokémon GO, we must meet two essential requirements:

  • Reach the necessary level
  • Have the right Evolutionary Gem

Thus, each pair of Compis (this is what the trainer and Pokémon pairs are called in Pokémon Masters) is made up of a trainer and a Pokémon, in most cases, with its basic form or its first evolutionary form. But what interests us when it comes to battles is evolving the Pokémon so that they are more powerful and have more opportunities to win. Follow the following steps to evolve your Pokémon in Pokémon Masters.

Pokémon Masters: how to evolve your Pokémon

To start, the minimum level needed to evolve a Pokémon in Pokémon Masters is that the Compis couple reaches the level 30. Once we reach this level, a combat that we will have to win to opt for the evolution of our Pokémon. But before that we must have, at a minimum, the Evolutionary Gem small, an object that will allow us to access the evolution of our Pokémon.

How to get Evolutionary Gems

The only way to get Evolutionary Gems is by visiting the Pokémon Masters store:

  1. Access the Pokémon Masters Store
  2. Click on Redeem items
  3. We will see two types of Evolutionary Gems: small and large

The Small Evolutionary Gem it has a price of 1,000 coins and it is necessary for the first evolution; We must also be level 30 to use it. The Large or Maximum Evolutionary Gem it has a price of 5,000 coins and it is necessary for the final evolution of our Pokémon; In this case we must be level 45 to use it.

Pokémon Masters: how to evolve your Pokémon

Important note about Evolutionary Gems

When we have in our possession the Evolutionary Gems necessary to evolve our Pokémon, if we lose the battle that allows us to access its evolution, we will not lose these Evolutionary Gems, but we will keep them for future attempts. This is an important detail if we take into account the price of each Evolutionary Gem for a single Pokémon.

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