PS4 Tricks: How to cool the console and reduce noise in summer

With the arrival of high summer temperatures, our consoles suffer more than desired from the heat.

Summer brings with it the most high temperatures of the year and with it numerous cases of breakdowns in heat-sensitive electronic devices, as in the case at hand, the video game consoles, especially, Playstation 4 either PS4, in its different models, whether standard, slim or Pro. And it is not at all strange that when faced with high ambient temperatures, the console sony speed up the fan speed quite strikingly, with an appreciable noise even with a loud sound from the television. How can we improve the cooling of the console?

How to cool the Playstation 4.

How to cool PS4 and reduce noise

So much PS4 as PS4 Pro They offer enough power to require a cooling system to match; and it is that his Compact design does not provide optimal heat dissipation, even reaching 60 degrees Celsius inside. For this reason, the fans sometimes trigger at an alarming rate, making quite a noise. Although other times we may find that the console suffers from high temperatures just by turning it on, which will indicate that perhaps we are doing something wrong. Therefore, we offer you the best tricks and tips for cooling the PS4 and reduce fan noise.

Various PS4 models; different cases

There are up to three PS4 models, each with different sensitivities to high temperatures. Thus, the first PS4 model is the one that heats up the most; On the other hand, the slim model, although it is more compact, has a better designed cooling system. For its part, PS4 Pro runs hotter because it is almost twice as powerful, although it also has a most advanced cooling system.

How to cool PS4 and reduce noise

PS4 in vertical or horizontal position

There is a myth that consoles in vertical position tend to give more failures than usual, something that is completely false, since all PS4s are designed to be in both a vertical and horizontal position. What is true is that in a vertical position they cool better, since the air enjoys better circulation.

How to cool PS4 and reduce noise

Console positioning

The most effective way to improve PS4 cooling is to place it in a open place with no external elements around it that could damage the air circuit. Thus, the best place is on top of a table or piece of furniture, never fit in a closed space, near the wall or with objects on or around it.

On the other hand, the material on which the console is also has a lot to say in optimal cooling; Thus, it is normal to place the console on a wooden piece of furniture, a material that dissipates heat less well. Instead, marble or tiles dissipate heat much better; Never, ever, place the console on fabric or carpet.

Fan or air conditioning

If we are in a place with a very high ambient temperature and we have a fan an air conditioning unit, we can always place the console in a place where it receives air directly, always pointing away from the ventilation outlets of each PS4 model.

On the other hand, we can find unofficial additions which help to cool the console better; is about devices that improve heat dissipation of the interior of the console manufactured by third parties.

How to cool PS4 and reduce noise

If the console is very hot, do not turn it off

Sometimes we make the mistake of turning off the console when it is very hot, especially when we finish playing a very demanding video game that speeds up the fans to the maximum. If we do it this way, we may cause a hardware error by not cooling enough after shutdown. Therefore, when we finish playing and the console is especially hot, it is recommended wait a few minutes until the fans stabilize and lower the temperature inside our PS4.

SSD or external hard drive

If we intend expand console storage and not worsen the internal temperature of the console, it is best to opt for a SSD drive or external hard drive, since internal 2.5-inch hard drives generate more internal heat. Thus, an SSD hardly heats up and is very quiet; On the other hand, with an external hard drive, the heat generated will be external and will not affect the interior of the console.

How to cool PS4 and reduce noise

Keep your PS4 clean and dust it

Dirt and dust can cause a considerable increase in the temperature inside the console, since They can cover the ventilation outlets and cause poor air circulation inside your PS4. There are even users who completely disassemble it to clean all its components, although this will lose the warranty if it is still in force.

How to cool PS4 and reduce noise

Use digital video games versus physical ones

The disc reader in video games generates a lot of noise and heat, so if you want to lower the internal temperature of your PS4 as much as possible, it is recommended resort to digital video games instead of physical ones on disk. Of course, the first time you insert a disc into your PS4 will be when it makes the most noise due to the installation; If we leave the disc inserted in the console, it will only play when we turn on the console or start a game.

How to cool PS4 and reduce noise

Minimally increase the height of your PS4

Finally, we can always resort to some small rubber or rubber studs as “legs” to slightly increase the height of your PS4 with respect to the support surface in order to improve air circulation and better dissipate heat for its lower part. With this, we will ensure that the fans do not make as much noise, since the interior temperature will be somewhat lower.

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