Rediscover the origin of the most dynamic duo in the galaxy in Ratchet & Clank.
Golden Guitons
There are 28 gold Guitons that we will have to collect throughout the adventure, some of them we will not be able to collect all of them at the first time, so we will have to return when we have the necessary objects to be able to collect them. You can easily keep track of how many we have in the planet selection menu, when we have them all. we will obtain the «Definitive Explorer» Trophy.
Like an Ameboid in a Hurry
To get this trophy we have to Complete the Rilgar Hoverboard Gold Cup in under 1:35. In this video you will find the keys to achieve it.
Kalebo Thunder
In this Trophy we have to complete the Kalebo Hoverboard Gold Cup in less than 2:05. There are two shortcuts that will help us cut many seconds and achieve it quickly, you can see them in the video.
All TAUN Holotards
We leave you a video to locate all 9 holographic TAUN cards, necessary to get the TAUN weapon.
Trophy – Boltbuster
To get this trophy we have to complete all the lockpick puzzles without automatic hacking, that is, We must open all the locks in the game, which are 16, but manually. We will get the lockpick naturally in the Rilgar, some doors are part of the story but others are optional, the video shows the locations of all the locks.