Snake Pass Cheats for PS4, PC, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch

All Snake Pass achievements, collectibles and secrets

Join Noodle and remember moments with the mythical snake game, but now in 3D thanks to Snake Pass.

All collectibles

In each level of this cute game we will find 3 types of collectibles

  • blue spheres: That they help us to place them in the portals.
  • Coins: We find 5 in each of the levels.
  • magic stones: In each level we find 3 of these stones, except in the first one where there is only 1.

Level 1 – Paradise Pass

Snake Pass - Paso del Paraiso - All collectibles | Guide | level 1

Level 2 – Backyard Climbing

Snake Pass - Backyard Climbing - All Collectibles | Guide | Level 2

Level 3 – The Guardian Gardens

Snake Pass - The Guardian Gardens - All Collectibles | Guide | level 3

Level 4 – Climbing Lift

Snake Pass - Climbing Lift - All Collectibles | Guide | level 4

Level 5 – Crooked Channel

Snake Pass - Crooked Channel - All Collectibles | Guide | level 5

Level 6 – Vague Lake

Snake Pass - Vago Lake - All Collectibles | Guide | level 6

Level 7 – Risky Reserve

Snake Pass - Risky Reserve - All Collectibles | Guide | level 7

Level 8 – Strange Falls

Snake Pass - Strange Falls - All Collectibles | Guide | level 8

Snake Pass Achievements/Trophies

Progress on portals – You have fixed the first portal.

stonelayer – You have placed three magic stones in the portal.

earthly snakes – You have received a gift from Bol-Dor, the Guardian of the land.

Bubbling – You have received a gift from Sog-Gee, the Guardian of Water.

warm gift – You have received a gift from Cyn-Derr, the Keeper of Fire.

The generous breeze – You have received a gift from Bloh-Wee, the Guardian of the Air.

Snake Eyes – You have used serpentine vision.

snake charmer – You have used all of Noodle's skills.

They call me Danger – You have activated a portal without activating any checkpoints.

Archaeologist – You have upset a Guardian idol in each level.

Activate it – You have used all types of switches.

Snake? SnaKE? SNAAAKE! – Death has many faces.

Quetzalcoatl – You have completed all levels without dying.

Do you know how to read? – You have died in a fall near a danger sign.

terminal velocity – Fall from heights.

Don't you do weights or what? – You have made the nightingale lift Noodles a hundred times.

pedantic progress – You have placed three magic stones in the portal one by one.

Short duration flight – You have used the Nightingale Takeoff Points 50 times.

I carry you? – You have had the nightingale constantly pick up Noodles in Paradise Pass.

Hole in one – You have achieved a hole in one at Crooked Canal.

Without submerging – You have completed Lazy Lake without touching the water.

The ground melts – You have obtained two magic stones in The Guardian Gardens without touching the ground.

The punishment of the snake – Death means nothing to you.

Expressionism – You have made all kinds of faces.

rocket snake – You have crawled at full speed for 10 seconds.

Rocky beginnings – You have obtained all the Ground Wisps.

Aquatic Wonderland – You have obtained all the Water Wisps.

hot potato – You have obtained all the Fire Wisps.

the good breeze – You have obtained all the Air Wisps.

For the buchaca – You have obtained all the Guardian Coins.

The collector snake – You have collected 20 % collectibles.

Expert collector – You have collected 50 % collectibles.

Total meander – You cannot exceed 100 %.