How to activate Bluetooth in Windows 10

Tutorial to activate and deactivate Bluetooth in Windows 10

Windows 10 allows the connection of devices by Bluetooth on compatible computers, a very useful tool for connect peripherals wirelessly as mobiles, controls, printers or speakers, among many others. But in many cases it is advisable to have the Bluetooth connection disabled if we do not use it, either to save energy or battery in laptops or protect the security of your equipment. Therefore, below we show you how to turn bluetooth on and off Windows 10.

Configure and Enable Bluetooth on PC, Windows 10!

How to turn Bluetooth on and off in Windows 10

Thus, we can activate and deactivate Bluetooth using two basic methods, either through the Windows 10 notification panel (the most convenient and fastest way) or through the Windows 10 settings menu, a more laborious way but that in return allows us to obtain much more information from our Bluetooth connection.

From the notification panel

The fastest and most convenient way to activate and deactivate Bluetooth in Windows 10 is through the Windows 10 notification panel, accessible through the icon located in the lower right corner of the screen on the Windows 10 taskbar.

How to activate Bluetooth in Windows 10

When you click on this icon, a window will open popup menu with all kinds of icons, notifications and switches of the operating system; At the bottom are the different switches and shortcuts of Windows 10 services and applications that we can activate and deactivate according to our needs.

Now you just have to click on the Bluetooth icon depending on whether you want to activate or deactivate the connection. When Bluetooth is on, the switch displays in a darker color with the total number of connected devices; If Bluetooth is disabled, the switch will appear in a lighter color without further prompts.

How to activate Bluetooth in Windows 10

Likewise, we can do right click with the mouse to directly access the Bluetooth configuration window and which we detail in the following section.

From the settings menu

The second method to turn Bluetooth on and off in Windows 10 is through the Windows Settings menu. In addition to the quick access described in the previous section, we can also access said menu through the Settings icon shaped like a gear wheel and located in the Windows 10 start menu, above the Shutdown/Restart/Sleep icon.

How to activate Bluetooth in Windows 10

This way we will access the main menu of Windows Settings with all access to the different operating system settings. Now click on the option Devices, section where the different Bluetooth options are found.

How to activate Bluetooth in Windows 10

Once inside Devices We must be in the Bluetooth and other devices tab, located first on the left of the screen; now we will just have to turn on or off the Bluetooth switch. Unlike the first method, here we can see the detailed list of connected devices to the computer via Bluetooth.

How to activate Bluetooth in Windows 10

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