Windows 10: how to schedule automatic power on

Trick to schedule the automatic start of a Windows 10 computer

Windows 10 hides numerous tricks and features so that each user can find their ideal configuration, in order to adapt the computer to each user's needs. But in the case of automatic PC power on we will have to resort to BIOS of the computer, since it is not possible to do it from the Windows 10 task scheduler. This is a very interesting option if you want to have your PC on every day at work time and ready for you to access the programs or the internet without having to wait for it to turn on and log in manually. Next, how to schedule the PC to automatically turn on with Windows 10.

Schedule automatic start of a PC

How to schedule the PC to automatically turn on

As we say, to program the PC to automatically turn on we will have to resort to the BIOS from the computer, since it is not possible to do it from the Windows 10 task scheduler, since without power, the operating system is not even in hibernation. Of course, each computer has a different BIOS depending on the manufacturer, as well as the access method to it.

Thus, the first thing we must do is enter the computer's BIOS; To do this, you must restart it and press the access key to the BIOS which, as we say, is different in each case. Therefore, we will have to try F1, F2, F10, F11, F12 or some key combination. If we do not know what exact key it is, we will have to do tests until we find the correct one.

Once inside the computer's BIOS we will have to go to the tab Advanced (advanced options) located at the top of the screen. Within Advanced we must move to the entrance Power Options (power options) to find the computer's power on options. Depending on the computer's BIOS, they will have different names, although they do not usually vary much.

Among the options of Power Options we will see the entry Auto Power On, which allows you to configure the equipment's automatic power-on options. By default it will appear in Disabled (disconnected), although if we press Intro A window will appear in which we can choose Enabled (connected) by pressing Intro.

Next we can configure the different automatic start parameters, that is, the days and times in which the PC will turn on automatically, from Cada dia (every day) to days of the week that we can select, as well as the hours of each day.

Windows 10: how to schedule automatic power on

When we have finished configuring the automatic ignition parameters we will only have to save the changes through Save & reset (save and restart) by clicking on Forks (Yeah). The BIOS will save the changes we have applied and will restart the computer to load Windows 10 on a regular basis.

From now on, the computer will turn on by itself and load Windows 10 on the days and times that we have configured. If we want to undo the changes we just have to follow the same previous steps and mark Disabled (disconnected) in the different boxes enabled by ourselves.

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