How to write a formal letter in a simple way

There are many people who still get lost when it comes to writing a formal letter, here you will find all the necessary steps to write one in a simple way.

There are many ways to write a formal letter, but none of them are very difficult, we simply have to know what the schemes perfect to make them, know the content they must have, if it is from presentation, if it is from consultation or some of the basic rules of the formal letters

Rules for writing a formal letter.

The first thing we should know is that it depends on the language, some rules or others must be followed, for example, in English there are a series of conventions that must be used when writing a formal or business letter.

But what all languages do have are some basic rules and clearly, these are:

  • Write simply.
  • Write clearly and directly.
  • Do not make the letter longer than necessary.
  • Don't use informal language.

Regarding the basic rules for sending the letter, we must be clear about two things: that the address of the sender should be written in the upper right corner of the letter and that the address of the person who writes it should be written on the left starting below your address. We should also know that there are two types of greetings in the formal letter:

  1. Dear Sir or Madam: if you don't know the name of the person you are writing the letter to.
  2. Dear Mr.Sanchez: If you know the person's name you should use the title Mr, Mrs, Miss, Dr and the last name.

We must also say goodbye with:

  1. Yours Faithfully: If you know the person's name.
  2. Sincerely: If you know the person's name.
  3. Your signature: if you don't know the person.
Parts of a formal letter


The content of a formal letter should be divided into paragraphs.

He first paragraph It should be brief and indicate the purpose of the letter, whether it is to ask a question, make a complaint, or request something. If it is a presentation letter In this paragraph, briefly identify yourself and the position you are applying for. If it is a inquiry letter Briefly introduce yourself and the reason you are writing.

He paragraph that we place in the middle of the letter must contain the relevant information. Simply tell the essentials and focus on organizing it clearly. If it is a presentation letter Indicate the reasons why you are interested in working for the company and why they should consider you for the position. If it is a inquiry letter Show why your particular company interests you, mention your qualifications and experience.

He Last paragraph You should indicate what action you expect the recipient to take, whether to refund, send you information, or respond with another letter. If it is a presentation letter Make yourself available for the interview, thank them for their consideration, and reaffirm your interest. If it is nothing inquiry letter Thank them for reading, explain your availability for the interview, and reaffirm your enthusiasm for their company.

This is everything you need to know to write a formal letter.