Let's see how to delete contacts Telegram, an option that will serve to lighten your contact list of those people with whom you no longer want to maintain contact or do not want them to appear on your contact list. Telegram. And it is that the contacts of Telegram They work in a similar way to those of WhatsApp, that is, they automatically sync with your calendar contacts of the mobile phone, although in the case of Telegram are stored in your own cloud. Learn to delete contacts from Telegram with our tutorial.
How to delete contacts from Telegram
Index of contents
How to delete contacts from Telegram
How to block Telegram contacts
How to delete deleted user's chat
How to delete contacts from Telegram
The method to delete contacts in Telegram is quite simple, although yes, if we want to delete more than one contact we will have to do it one by one, since there is no option to do it in a group. On the other hand, it will also be necessary to have a open chat with the contact to delete; If you don't have a chat window open with the contact you want to delete, simply opens a chat window with that person through the contact list; Don't worry, that contact won't know that you've opened a new conversation window unless you write something. Follow the following steps to delete a contact from Telegram:
- Access the chat of the contact you want to delete.
- Inside the chat Tap that user's name at the top to open the contact options window.
- Click on Delete contact.
- Confirm that you want to delete said contact.
This way you will have deleted the contact from your Telegram contact list, although The conversation will still be visible in the general chat list from Telegram; In place of the name of said contact, their name will appear. phone number.
How to block Telegram contacts
On the other hand, if you want to take more severe action than simply deleting a contact, you can always block them from contacting you again. Follow the steps below to block a Telegram contact:
- Access the chat of the contact you want to block.
- Click on the top of the chat where the contact's name is located to access their profile.
- Now click on the three vertical dots icon located in the upper right corner of the screen.
- A contextual menu will open in which you must press the Block option.
Another route to block Telegram users is through Settings – Privacy and Security – Blocked Users and in this menu add contacts that you want to block. Once you have blocked a contact, they are already will not be able to send you messages or call you.
How to delete deleted user's chat
After deleting the contact from Telegram, you probably want delete the conversation with said user. Follow the steps below to delete the conversation:
- Access the conversation you want to delete from your chat list.
- Click on it user icon from the chat to display the options menu.
- Click on the option Delete chat.
- Confirm that you want to delete that conversation by clicking on Delete chat.
Before permanently deleting the chat you have the option to delete said conversation also for the other user checking the box Delete also for X (X will be the name of said user). Now you can confirm the deletion by clicking on Delete chat.