Zelda Link's Awakening Remake Cheats for Switch

Discover all the secrets of the sensational Remake of Link's Awakening for Nintendo Switch, objects, shells, hearts, maps and object location

Heart Pieces

In total we have 32 heart pieces to collect and increase our health, this video shows the location of all of them.

All Shells

In total we have 50 Shells to collect, there are more than in the original game and for collecting a number of them we will receive the following rewards:

  • 5 shells: Piece of Heart.
  • 15 shells: Conch Detector, when passing near one we will hear a beep, we can deactivate the function from the options menu.
  • 40 shells: Koholint Sword, a sword with more damage and the possibility of launching an energy wave when you have maximum health.
  • 50 shells: rupees and Saltstone.

In this video you can see the location of all of them.

Zelda: Link's Awakening - All 50 Seashell Locations (Switch Guide & Walkthrough)

Where to find the Ocarina and all the Melodies

How to Get the Ocarina and All the Melodies - The Legend of Zelda Link's Awakening

Musical Easter Eggs

As it could not be otherwise, we can find Musical Easter Eggs in the Remake of Link's Awakening, here we leave you a video to discover them all.

EASTER MUSICAL EGGS in Zelda: Link's Awakening (Nintendo Switch)

Rare Fish and their prizes

In this video we show you a tutorial about fishing and how to catch the rarest fish in the game and what prizes they give us.

Get it Cheep Cheep, the Blooper and with the King of the Lake, to win prizes like Heart Pieces, Shells, Saltstones or a Fairy Jar!!

RARE FISH and PRIZES in Zelda: Link's Awakening (Nintendo Switch)

Free Objects – Utensils Store

Here we leave you a video to obtain the objects from the Utensils Store for free.

TRICK to STEAL from the Zelda STORE: Link's Awakening (Nintendo Switch)