How to reply to messages on Instagram: iPhone

If you want to respond to a specific message on Instagram but you can't, we offer you a solution that will put an end to this setback.

Let's see how to reply to messages on Instagram with iPhone. And it is curious not to know how to answer a DM message on Instagram just as you do in other messaging apps like WhatsApp, Messenger or Telegram, where you just have to slide your finger to one side (left or right) on the message to reply. But it turns out that many of us Instagram users who complain that the app does not allow you to do this. Why happens? It can be fixed? Below we offer you the keys to how to reply to messages on instagram iPhone: fast and easy.


iPhone: how to reply to messages on Instagram

And it is that instagram does not allow you to reply to a DM directly message specifically by default, but it is necessary enable a hidden feature in your settings to be able to respond to specific messages with a simple gesture. To do this, follow the steps below to enable the option in Instagram settings that allows you to reply to direct messages directly on iPhone:

  1. The first (and very important) step is to make sure that the Instagram app is updated to its latest version on your iPhone; Go to the App Store, search for Instagram and see if it says Update. If Update does not appear, the app is already updated to its latest version.
  2. Now access the Instagram app on your iPhone.
  3. Click on it your profile picture icon.
  4. Now click on the three lines icon located in the upper right corner of the screen.
  5. Choose the entry Setting.
  6. Now click on Account.
  7. Scroll to the bottom of the menu and click on Change account type.
  8. Choose the option Switch to personal account.
  9. Now access the Instagram direct messages (DM) section.
  10. Access any chat and click on his name on top.
  11. The tab will open Details and below the message Update messages to unlock chat topics; tap it and update.
  12. Go back to the chats section, locate a message and slide your finger on it to the right.
  13. Now you can respond to specific messages with a simple gesture.

How to reply to messages on Instagram: iPhone

And that's it, this way you will have enabled the option to reply to specific messages on Instagram. And you don't have to do it for each chat, since activating this option will do it for all conversations. Once you do it, you won't have to activate it anymore. And in case you want to respond to a message from you, you will only have to swipe left. That easy.

How to reply to messages on Instagram: iPhone

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