Common washing machine problems

Has your washing machine stopped working and you don't know how to fix it? In this article you will find the most common problems and their solutions.

The problems that a washing machine can have are very varied, it may be due to the use of detergent or even to amount of water generated. Some solutions are very simple but others will surely need the help of a technical

If you see that your washing machine starts to have small errors, act as soon as possible, that will help you not have to buy another one or the small problem ends up becoming a giant, like covering the floor with water. Below we leave you the solution to the 3 most common problems:

What do I do if my washing machine doesn't turn on or turns off?

Before starting with any advice about an electrical device, we must unplug it, Security is very important.

If our washing machine has stopped working from one day to the next it could be due to several things, the solutions are simple unless it is a very serious fault:

  • If the failure is due to lack of voltage, we will know it by using a Multimeter, if there is no voltage we will have to turn off the circuit breaker and contact an electrician.
  • The motor of our washing machine can be overheatIf that is one of the reasons, don't worry, it is normal for it to happen once or twice. As soon as it cools down, turn on the washing machine normally. 
  • He lid switch It may be damaged, that will make the washer think it is open and it will not work. Check it first, if it is damaged you will have to notify a technician or buy a replacement part.

It may also be due to the washing machine timer.

The drum does not rotate.

There are many reasons why the washing machine drum may stop spinningFortunately, most problems do not require us to open the cabinet and just by touching a few settings we will get it working again. 

If we put one too big load of clothes The machine will be overloaded and unbalanced, which will cause it to not rotate correctly or simply not to rotate at all. Be careful with the quantities of clothes. 

Make sure it has not been left stuck none foreign object in drain pump, if you hear a humming noise and move a lot ineffectively, this may be the case. Another reason may be that it is placed in some incorrect speed settings

If the settings are not correct, the washing machine will stop spinning for safety reasons.

The detergent is not absorbed well.

He automatic detergent dispenser It usually has these two errors:

  • It's too dirty: If the dispenser is too dirty, it stops distributing the detergent well. To clean it we will only have to add a cup of white vinegar and run the washing machine on a regular cycle. That will solve it.
  • The product is damaging the washing machine: Many detergents are not the correct ones, some of those dispensers are designed to dispense something more liquid than thick. Check carefully which detergent you should use or buy one ecological

You may be interested in this article about how to clean the rubber of the washing machine.