How to bathe a dog

For many animals, baths are terrifying, therefore, we leave you some tricks that will make bathing a dog a fun and simple action.

Most dogs They prefer to skip bath time for going for a walk, or for eating, but what we don't know is that the bathroom plays a quite important role in the coat health and the fur of our pet.

Dog Grooming: Types and subtypes of hair - Miki Lluch - Tiendanimal

With the bathroom we can help keep our dog clean and free of dirt and the parasites and of course, that it gives off a good smell when it passes by us. But we must keep in mind that a dog can't bathe every week.

How often should I bathe my dog?

The dogs do not require daily washing as happens with us humans, but they do need regular baths, depending on the frequency of several factors, such as dog environment and the fur that you have. 

If you are not sure how often you should bathe your dog, it is appropriate to go ask a vet, it will also help you choose the suitable shampoo. But if you can't go due to lack of time, we leave you with some general guidelines:

  • Bathe him alone once a month.
  • Dogs like Basset Hounds They should bathe at least once a week.
  • The Beagles  or short-haired dogs, they rarely need a bath so once a month would be fine.
  • The Golden Retrievers or dogs with water-repellent coats should bathe very little to preserve the natural oils of its fur.
  • The dogs with thick fur must be brushed better than bathed, since this helps distribute natural oils and keep the skin and coat healthy.

If you live in a country or your dog loves it scrub in mud, puddles or even remains, it is normal that I want bathe him more frequently, do it without fear but with a soap that does not damage their fur and skin.

Where should we wash our dog?

If you are the owner of a small dog you have a clear advantage. If you have a little dog we fill the sink or the sink with a little warm water and we can wash our dog in a way easier than in the bathtub. A portable bathtub For dogs it can also be a good option.

If instead of a small dog we have a big dog, a good option may be to use a garden hose when do good time, or directly to the bathtub, with warm water and bathing him little by little so you don't get scared.

If we bathe our dog from a young age, we will teach him that it is normal.

How should we wash our dog?

Is time to give our pet a bath, before starting you must know the steps to take so that it does not overwhelmed and I dont know alter in any moment.

  1. We brush his hair before bathing him, with this we will be able to remove the knots sooner.
  2. We use warm water, neither cold nor hot since hot water easily burns dogs. 
  3. We spoke to them with a soothing voice throughout the bath and we rub and caress him. 
  4. Use the suitable shampoo so as not to irritate him.
  5. When this soaping must rinse very well, soap on their fur can irritate their skin.
  6. Dry at natural, we should not use a human hair dryer since it can burn you. 
  7. Is reward timeBy doing this you will make him like bathing.

If we entertain him with his favorite toy we can make it a fun hour.

Now that your dog is clean you can chill out and even go for a walk as a reward

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