How to win at tic-tac-toe

Do you always want to win at tic-tac-toe? We offer you several infallible methods in which to follow a strategy while waiting for your rival to make a mistake.

Let's see how to always win at tic-tac-toe, or at least be tied and not lose to your rival. And in the game of tic-tac-toe (also known as three in a row) there are different strategies that guarantee best result possible in each game, as long as certain requirements are met. So much so, that two players who follow the same strategy They will always tie, so you always have to take advantage of the opponent's slightest mistake to win. Next, how to win at tic-tac-toe easily Step by Step.

How to win playing tic-tac-toe

Index of contents

What is the tic-tac-toe game?

The game of tic-tac-toe is one of the oldest games that exist and that we have all played at some point, in which we must achieve three of our symbols remain in line (horizontally, vertically or diagonally) before our opponent does, with one move per turn for each player, all on a square “board” made up of 9 boxes the same size. Normally used as symbols: x (x) and the EITHER (round).

How to win or draw when starting first

We are going to describe step by step what movements you should perform to always have the advantage over your rival. In this tutorial you will play with the X's and your rival with the O's.

Place your first X in one of the 4 corners. The player who starts the game must place his O also in one of the 4 corners. Thus, the opponent has a greater chance of making a mistake; and if the opponent places his O in any square other than the central one, you will have assured victory.

How to win at tic-tac-toe

In the event that the opponent place your O in the center, you will have to wait for a new error to win; and if he continues playing well the game will end in a draw. For your second play you have two options:

  1. Place your second X in the corner opposite the first. If your opponent places their second O in one of the remaining corners, you will win the game. Now, place your third X in the last empty corner and the opponent will not be able to prevent your victory, since on your next turn you will have two options to make three in a row.
  2. You can also place your second X in a border square let it not be a corner. If the opponent places his second O in the corner that is not next to your second X you can use your third X to block your movement and win by having two options to make three in a row on the next turn.

On the other hand, if your opponent plays his first O on any square other than the central one, place your second X in any other corner with a free space between both Xs. On your next move, if your opponent does not place his second O in the center, you can place your third X in the center box, giving you two options to make three in a row and win.

How to win at tic-tac-toe

How not to lose when starting second

If you play second, this way you can force a draw and not lose. Thus, if the opponent starts by placing his O in a corner, always place your first X in the center box. Now place your second X in one of the 4 cross boxes, not in some corner, unless you have to block a possible tic-tac-toe from your opponent. If you follow this strategy all games will end in a tie.

Now, if your opponent starts by placing his O in the central square, you will have to place your first X in one of the four corners. Now keep blocking his movements to prevent him from completing a tic-tac-toe, remaining in a tie again. This way there is no way to win unless your opponent makes a mistake and you take advantage to gain an advantage on the board.

How to win at tic-tac-toe

Finally, there is a small chance of winning if your opponent starts the game by placing his first O on one of the four edges of the board instead of one of the four corners or the center. So, place your X in the center; If the opponent places his second O on the opposite edge, forming a row such that OXO, place your second X in one of the four corners. If the opponent places his third O in the opposite corner, place your third X to block your tic-tac-toe. Now you can make a tic-tac-toe. On the other hand, if the rival does not follow the steps described, the game will end in a tie.

Now you know all the tricks to always win at tic-tac-toe or, at most, for not lose and be tied. Don't give up a single move and always come out victorious in your games!

How to win at tic-tac-toe

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