How to eliminate fungi from the garden.

Have mushrooms or fungi appeared in your garden and you don't know how to eliminate them? In this article you will find how to eliminate those annoying fungi from the garden.

Many plants often grow in the garden. types of mushrooms either mushrooms, but not all mushrooms are bad. Most of the mushrooms that grow in our garden are beneficial for lawn, since they help break down dead material and return the nutrients to the soil. However, although it is good for the garden, we do have children either pets We must eliminate them immediately.

What is a fungus? | Documentary film

Notably plucking the mushrooms is of no use, are like an iceberg, so the fungus is nothing more than the fruit of a plant that is much larger below the surface of the soil: the mycelium. You must attack the entire mushroom as if in one hydra either bad weed it was about.

How to eliminate them?

If we want the fungus don't go any further we have to remove them from the ground as soon as we see it appear. If we leave them for a long time, they will begin to release spores which will cause us to have more fungi in the area.

So as soon as we see a mushroom appear we must get it out of the ground as quickly as possible. We should also not mow the grass or use the rake on the fungi, since, although it eliminates them, this can cause the spores to spread throughout the grass.

Many of the mushrooms that grow in gardens are harmless to adults, but in the case of children or pets they can be highly toxic.

What do I do with the plucked mushrooms?

If you have already removed the mushrooms from the soil, be very careful., we should not get rid of them in any way since we could have a fungal infestation at home. If we throw the mushrooms into our organic bin, a huge infestation will be created.

As soon as we start the mushrooms we must put them in a plastic bag, tie her tightly and throw it in a trash can from the street or in an incinerator. This will prevent the spores from spreading. 

By burning the mushrooms we will prevent the pest from spreading and we will have a clean and safe garden.

Remedies to prevent them from growing again.

If it is not the first time that fungi appear in our garden, we must purge all areas well, and to do this we can do it in two different ways.

The first is by applying a nitrogen fertilizer which will prevent fungi from growing in organic matter. This fertilizer will accelerate the decomposition of the matter, which will leave the mushrooms without any food.

  • We should not use slow-release or water-soluble nitrogen fertilizers.
  • You will have to use these fertilizers once a year.
  • If you see that it is not working add phosphorus and potassium to the mixture. 

The second is with a home remedy with soap and water.

  • We will have to mix 2 or 3 tablespoons of dishwashing soap with about 7 liters of water.
  • We make holes in the soil around the mushrooms with a shovel or screwdriver.
  • We fill the holes with soapy water.

This will cause the fungus to die so that it will not grow back. You may be interested in this article about homemade insecticides for the garden.With these two remedies you will ensure that your garden does not have fungi again.