Types of garden pest

In the garden we can have various problems such as plant diseases or pests. In this post you will find types of pests and how to deal with them.

Before starting we have to know two things, the first is that a plague always has a remedy, but it can affect our garden again if we do not clean it well the first time. The second is that we have to Differentiate between pest and plant disease, pests are insects that They have different remedies, diseases need other types of treatments. 

In this guide we will not talk about synthetic chemical pesticides since that is an essential step to cultivate a healthy and productive garden, and even more so if we have a small fruit and vegetable garden.

Aphids of different species.

Aphids are small insects with an elongated shape, like a pear. They can be of different colors, green, yellow, brown, red, gray either black. They usually feed on different plants and vegetables such as:

  • Tomatoes
  • Lettuce
  • Kale
  • Cabbage

It can be remedied in several ways, one of the preventive means is to plant small flowers that will attract predatory insects. Another way is spray a stream of water of the hose in the plants

We can also cover it with a floating row, horticultural oil, insecticidal soap either neem base to get rid of the most difficult aphid pests.

Aphids can be found gathered in different small groups.

Slugs and snails of many species.

The terrestrial mollusks as snails or slugs They can also be different colors, and usually leave a trail of slime behind them, trace that can be harmful. 

All young plants They are the favorites of these pests so we will surely have a lot of problems. rainy days and our garden can be greatly affected. The snails and slugs leave irregular holes on the margins of the leaves, and they usually feed at night, so we will never see the culprit in action.

If we want to prevent slugs or snails from getting close to our plants we can water only in the morning, thus preventing them from eating the plants at night. We can also place copper strips which due to a chemical reaction with the slime makes them not approach or use iron phosphate slug baits

Snails and slugs are the most common pests in gardens.

Leaf miners of different species.

The adult leaf miners They are a type of fly They do not feed on plants. But their tiny brown larvae either green They feed inside plant tissues.

When we have larvae leaf miners We can appreciate it thanks to the fact that they create tunnels that form wavy lines on the leaves. Fortunately If we cut the tunnels and throw them in the trash It won't come out again. 

How can the aphid be controlled by placing a floating row or using neem based products

These bugs usually attack plants such as spinach, chard or beets.

You may be interested in this article about how to remove a wasp nest.