How to delete our Google history from our mobile

Tutorial to delete our activity on Google from an Android smartphone in a few simple steps

Currently, all users of smartphones iOS either Android They have their accounts linked to companies like Manzana either Google, respectively, which allows us to enjoy a huge range of possibilities and tools in our daily lives, whether at a professional or leisure level. Of course, this type of connection represents a whole window to our privacy, since our activity is permanently recorded in the histories of each company, personal information that could be used without our permission for purposes beyond our reach. And absolutely everything is saved on the companies' servers, from our internet searches until applications we use. Thus, if in another article we taught you how to delete our Google history from our PC, the time has come to offer you a tutorial for delete our Google activity from our smartphone.

Delete what you viewed in your Google account

How to delete our Google history from our smartphone

To delete all our activity from our smartphone, the first thing we must do is go to the website My activity of Google from our regular mobile browser with our Google account activated. It may take a while depending on the amount of information the application has to load.

How to delete our Google history from our mobile

Once on the main page, and if we scroll down, we will see all our grouped google activity in different sections like recent searches, downloaded applications either search engine information, among many others. We can see all these groups of information individually and eliminate them one by one, although what interests us in delete all history suddenly and prevent it from being recorded in the future.

How to delete our Google history from our mobile

We can open the activity filter through the three dots icon (My activity) and clicking on the entry Delete activity by. Through this menu we can choose how to delete our activity through different criteria, such as the history of just one day, the last week, the last month or the entirety, among other options. We can also choose if delete all history at once or just some specific applications like Chrome or Youtube, among other.

How to delete our Google history from our mobile

If we want to delete the entire history of all our applications and services, we just have to check the option the entire period, in order to eliminate all our records from day one. We can also check the option All the products so that the entire registration of all our products is deleted.

How to delete our Google history from our mobile

Once we have marked all the options that we want to delete, we just have to click on the icon Eliminate located at the bottom of the screen. Before confirming, Google will notify us that many functions require our registration for optimal functioning and that many applications such as Google Now or Google Maps They may not work properly until they have information about us again.

How to delete our Google history from our mobile

To complete the process we just have to click on Accept and Google will delete all the activity that we have decided in the previous steps on our account; Thanks to this, and if we decide so, Google will process our data without leaving a trace of our activity.

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