How to obtain the Social Security number

All the options to process your Social Security number, online and in person

Let's see how to get social security number, the numerical code that identifies a worker as an individual natural person and that Administration of Social Security assigns to any person who for the first time makes a work activity that requires it. This is a number necessary to carry out any process or contribute to Social Security, a unique code for a person throughout their life, whether worker by employed or self-employed; the number will always be the same. But how can we obtain the Social Security number? What is needed? Below we resolve all your doubts about how to get social security number.

How to request a Social Security number in Spain 2021/ REGISTRATION IN SOCIAL SECURITY SPAIN

How to know my Social Security number

Index of contents

What is the Social Security number

The Social Security number is made up of twelve numerical digits. The first two correspond to the code of the province where the applicant's first registration was processed. Those people who have never worked as self-employed or employed will not yet have a Social Security number, so they must request them as we will see in the following sections.

How to know your Social Security number

If you want to find out what your Social Security number is, you can try looking somewhere official document that you have. For example, if you work as an employee and have a monthly payroll, you can look for this number in the section Affiliate Number Social Security. It can also appear in the Work contract.

How to obtain the Social Security number

On the other hand, if you are self-employed, it is possible that your Social Security number appears in the proof of payment from the bank and on the receipt when issued. Likewise, it is possible to consult the Social Security number in any Social Security affiliation or contribution document such as registrations, cancellations or work life reports, among others.

How to request a Social Security number

If you do not have any document showing your Social Security affiliation number, you can always request it from Social Security itself. To do this, you can access the official website from Social Security to request a duplicate of the affiliation document; You will need one of the following information:

  • Digital certificate (electronic signature) in your name as a natural person.
  • Electronic ID connected to your computer with the password activated.
  • Username and password: DNI or NIE number and a password that you must request at the Social Security offices by attending in person.
  • Cl@ve PIN that can be obtained at the Treasury offices with your mobile number; You will have to identify yourself with your DNI or NIE and the expiration date of the DNI or the code for the NIE, in order to receive a password by SMS to your mobile phone to access the system.
  • By SMS, for which you will have to be registered in the Social Security database.

How to obtain the Social Security number

What to do if you don't have your Social Security number

The Social Security affiliation number is mandatory for working people, whether self-employed or employed, and in all regimes. However, before starting work, you will not have your membership number, either because you are still very young, you are a foreigner who has just arrived or you have never needed to work. If you want to process the Social Security affiliate number, it must be done through the Model TA.1 of Application for affiliation to Social Security, assignment of Social Security number and variation of data. You must present:

  • The interested person registers as self-employed or in a special regime and, also, when he works as an employee or the employer does not comply with his obligation to process it.
  • The employer who registers the worker for the first time.
  • The Social Security Administration when through a labor inspection or a judicial procedure a non-compliance with the obligation to register the worker is proven.

How to obtain the Social Security number

The deadline to submit register with Social Security and process the member number must be processed in date prior to discharge, since otherwise it would be out of time and would entail sanctions from Social Security.

How to obtain the Social Security number

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