How to search in incognito mode with the Google app

Learn to perform your searches without leaving a trace with the Google mobile application

Below we teach you how to do searches in incognito mode with the Google app so that you do not leave any trace on the internet. And normally, when searching for something through Google, is left over recorded in history of visits and searches, information that can be seen by other people who search for it expressly or even when performing a new search in the text box of the user. Google search engine. And until recently, the Google app did not offer this option, although we can finally choose to activate incognito mode, called by Google as modeUse without any account”. Therefore, we teach you how to use this incognito mode Google app so that your searches are not recorded.

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How to search Google in incognito mode

Thus, and with the arrival of the new design of the Google application, a new account manager, and with it the new option to use your search engine without any active account, as Google calls incognito mode. This is a very interesting option if you want your searches not to be recorded in the eyes of other people or, for example, if you lend your cell phone to someone and you do not want them to see your record of internet searches and visits. Follow the steps below to perform Google searches in incognito mode.

First of all, you should know that this option is only available in the Google app, although it will soon reach more of the company's tools. To access it, you just have to access the Google app and Click on your account icon, the icon with your profile image located in the upper right corner of the screen. This will display your account options window, where you will find the incognito mode option as part of account selector.

And in the accounts drop-down menu you will see your current account, any other accounts added to the device and an option to manage them; but you will also see an extra option called Use without any account, the one that interests us to navigate in incognito mode. Click on it.

How to search in incognito mode with the Google app

When you activate the option Use without any account, the profile picture will change to a Standard design, the same one that appears when you configure your mobile for the first time and you have not yet activated your Google user account; Furthermore, the mode Discover It does not show any recommendation of your tastes and preferences.

Remember that this incognito mode called Use without any account It is only useful for making search without trace, so the rest of search engine utilities of Google will remain inactive; thus, both the Assistant like the way Discover They will not be available until you log in again. Likewise, the section Recent It will also not show your recent visits.

Of course, the links you open from incognito mode will open in windows of the same browser without incognito mode activated, so those visits through external links yes they will be registered in your Google username.

How to search in incognito mode with the Google app

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