How to view Instagram stories without being seen

The best tricks to see other people's Stories without them knowing

Below we teach you how to see the stories of instagram from other users without them knowing, a series of tricks and alternatives to be able gossip Stories alien without anyone seeing you. And when you enter an Instagram story without logging into your account, instagram will block your access and will invite you to log in to access; On the other hand, when accessing a story while logged in, the author of that story will know that you have visited their publication through the list and statistics corresponding to each story. So, if you want to access the content of a story anonymously, for whatever reason, you can do so through the following methods and tricks that we offer you below; Learn how to watch Stories without anyone seeing you with our guide.

How to see Instagram Stories without anyone knowing

Index of contents

it's possible see Instagram Stories through various methods, either through web pages dedicated to spying on stories from other Instagram accounts or through small tricks that we detail below.


We start with a web page that allows access to the Instagram Stories of any public user without our visit being recorded; In addition, this page also shows the featured stories from any Instagram user regardless of how much time has passed since they uploaded it.

To use StoriesIG you only need to access your official website and enter in the search bar the Instagram username of the person you want to see their stories; Now you will be able to see the content uploaded during the last 24 hours or the featured posts of said user.

In addition, StoriesIG also allows download images and videos of each story through the button Download located below each post.

How to view Instagram stories without being seen


Another web page that works in a similar way to the previous one that allows jump over Instagram barriers to be able to view user stories without needing to log in. Of course, it is necessary that the Instagram account you want to gossip without leaving a trace is public; Otherwise it will not be possible to access your Stories either.

As in the previous case, you will only have to visit the official website from WeInstag, enter the Username of the account to spy on in the search bar, without the “@”. If all goes well, all the user's stories will appear, including photos and videos, with the option to download them to your computer if you wish.

How to view Instagram stories without being seen


Again, another website that allows you to visit Instagram profiles anonymously and without leaving the slightest trace. It works the same as the previous ones; visit the official website from StoriesWatcher, enter the Username of the person you want to see on Instagram to access their Stories, although on this occasion, without showing featured posts.

Airplane mode

Thanks to airplane mode for iOS and Android phones It is possible to carry out a small trick to be able to view Instagram Stories offline; So, you just have to open the Instagram app and wait a few moments for all the new stories to load. Once you've made sure the posts you want to gossip about have loaded, activate airplane mode from the mobile through the terminal options or the upper sliding menu and enter Instagram again, this time, No internet connection for airplane mode. Now you can see the Stories you want without a trace; When you're done, exit Instagram and turn off airplane mode to get back to normal.

How to view Instagram stories without being seen

False account

The other option, perhaps more far-fetched but equally effective, is create a fake Instagram account with anonymous data to be able to access the publications you want without anyone knowing who you are. Thus, the authors of the Stories They won't recognize the person which has entered as it is a completely invented account and you will also be able to access said Stories. Of course, if the target is a private account, you will have to get those accounts to trust your anonymous account to access their posts.

How to view Instagram stories without being seen

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