Instagram: The 9 best tricks to get followers

A guide with the best recommendations to gain followers

Are you hooked on instagram? Do you want to make the most of the options of one of the most popular apps of the moment to gain new followers? Below we offer you up to 9 tips and tricks to grow quickly in instagram, gaining new followers and optimizing our publications to reach more users.

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The best Instagram tricks

The best Instagram tricks

  • Add more than 30 hashtags with this trick

The more hashtags we incorporate into our publication, the greater the chance of reaching more users and being more popular. Therefore, we tell you how to add more than 30 hashtags in a post.

  1. Post your photo or video without description or hashtags.
  2. Copy and paste 30 hashtags into a comment on your post.
  3. Now you can edit the original post by adding another 30 hashtags.

The best Instagram tricks

  • Gain followers easily

One of the most popular hashtags to gain new followers is #S4S either #SFS, Or what is the same, shout for shoutout either mention by mention. Thus, if we come across other accounts similar in number of followers (an important aspect for the trick to work out well), we can request an exchange of mentions; If other users are interested, each one will mention the other in their Instagram stories, with the consequent increase in popularity.

  • Search for popular, rarely used hashtags

The key to gaining visibility is to use hashtags that are popular enough but to a certain extent, so as not to be completely covered by thousands and thousands of publications with the same tags. Thus, if we want our business to have visibility, we must look for hashtags with a good number of mentions but that are not in the top positions of the hashtag search engine.

The best Instagram tricks

With this method it will take a little longer, since we will have to Search through a considerable list of search engine tags to find the most appropriate hashtags in each case; Once we have 60, we can use the 60 hashtags technique to give visibility to our publication.

  • Tag other accounts in your stories

Thanks to Instagram stories we can tag other accounts to gain visibility. The method is very simple; we just have to write the name of the user we want to mention as we would in a description. Thus, our followers will be able to see our mentions and directly access their profile with a simple click. Additionally, when someone mentions us in their stories we will receive the corresponding notification.

The best Instagram tricks

  • Hide hashtags to use them later

We may not always be interested in flooding our publications with hashtags even though it is essential to gain more impact. But there is a small trick that we can use to hide them using “.” and spaces.

The best Instagram tricks

  • Save drafts for later use

A very useful tool To save time is to create drafts of our publications, even with photos and their respective descriptions. To do this, follow the following steps:

  1. Tap the + sign to capture and share a new photo or video.
  2. Edit your photo or video, add description, location...
  3. Click on the Back arrow located in the upper left corner of the screen.
  4. Press said arrow again.
  5. A message will appear asking if we want to save the draft or discard it.
  6. Click on Save.

The best Instagram tricks

If we want to recover the publication we just have to go to the tab Drafts. But beware! Sometimes, with each new Instagram update, our drafts can disappear.

  • Save hashtags for later use

Once we have our post ready to share, we may not have enough time to fill it with hashtags or we simply may not remember all the keywords we want to use at that moment. Therefore, it is recommended create notes and save them with the hashtags that we use the most by theme, such as business, personal, popular phrases... In addition, we can always use the 60 hashtags trick to complete our most used tags.

  • Disable comments on a post

One of the main attractions of Instagram is the possibility of commenting on other users' posts and for said users to comment on our photos or videos; although it is also possible to deactivate the comments on our publications if we are interested. To do this, we just have to Click on the icon with the three dots (…) vertically located in the upper right corner of our publication. Through this menu we must click on Disable comments.

  • Check your statistics for free

If we want to have greater control of the statistics of our Instagram account quickly and completely free of charge, just we must change our profile to the company profile; This profile offers statistics that will help us optimize our account to reach more users. To do this we just have to go to Options – Switch to Company Profile and connect our account to our profile Facebook.

The best Instagram tricks