Netflix series and movies: how to know which content disappears each week

Definitive trick to know which series and movies Netflix eliminates each week

Netflix, The popular series and movie streaming platform, offers a wide catalog with all kinds of content, an offer that is always in constant evolution, whether for add news or remove content that are available at that time. So much so, that subscribers to the service always wonder when a certain series or movie will be removed from its catalog. Therefore, below we offer you the definitive solution for know which series and movies are about to disappear, so that in that way have time to see them before its withdrawal.

Upflix, receive an alert when Netflix updates its content.

How to know what content leaves Netflix weekly

It is possible to find out in advance the series and movies that will be released from Netflix week by week thanks to a free app for iOS and Android available both in the App Store like in Google Play, respectively. Is about Upflix, an app that informs us in real time of both the weekly releases and all the content that will be removed soon.

To do this, we just have to download the application for our mobile operating system through the following links:

Once we have the app installed, the first thing it will ask us will be choose our country of residence and the country of our Netflix account, in order to offer all the information in the catalog of our country. When we have finished the configuration we will go directly to the application, where we can see two large icons:

  • New
  • Expiring

If we click on the icon New We will access all the Netflix releases of the week, while if we click on the icon Expiring We will see all the content that will leave the Netflix catalog in that week, but that we can still see before being permanently eliminated.

Netflix series and movies: how to know which content disappears each week

If we click on any of these contents we will access its Information sheet, as well as a direct link to watch it on Netflix, yes, as long as we have a active account on Netflix, since it is only an app for information and shortcuts to Netflix, not for playback.

Netflix series and movies: how to know which content disappears each week

Another of the most interesting tools of Upflix is its call Netflix Roulette, with which to select several filters to adjust its suggestions to our tastes and interests; Thus, when we activate Upflix's Netflix Roulette, the app will offer us results of series and movies that will suit our tastes personal.

Why is Netflix removing content?

Basically because Netflix is a content provider, in addition to also producing its own content such as series or movies. But with third-party content you cannot always guarantee its availability, since depends on agreements and licenses that expire after a period of time. Of course, if these licenses are renewed in the future, it is possible that content that has been removed in the past will return later. Therefore, if we are Netflix subscribers, We recommend always being alert about the content that leaves the platform Yeah we don't want to miss anything, or not stay halfway with a series of several seasons.

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