Before starting with this article we must know 4 very important points when choosing or taking good photos for Tinder, since many people have become much stricter when it comes to choosing who to match with.
- It is very important to use high quality photos. You can work with a professional or get a friend with a camera digital slr Let him take the photos for us.
- Try to have a genuine smile, narrow your eyes, smile, or simply look away.
- Try to improve the photos and make sure they are not too different from each other.
- If you're a guy, get a female opinion on the photos you'll use.
What photos should I use?
Once you know this, let's go with advice on the best photos, using real cases with higher percentages of matches depending on the photo they used.
Formal wear or casual wear
In case of doubt between put on a suit for your photo Tinder or put your casual clothes, do not hesitate, choose the suit, according to different studies the suit achieves many more match, this is because people believe that it is much more attractive, intelligent and profitable to talk to someone who has style when it comes to dressing.
Obviously this will not make your love life revolutionize to 100%, but it will make you have much more impact and with it you will possibly achieve many more matches.
Stoic smile or photo
This case is very rare, since smiling usually achieves many more matches than with a stoic photo, where you squint your eyes and look seriously at the camera, but with the second, you get many more responses. So, what's the point of a match if we won't have messages afterwards?
For many, the smile makes you intelligent, but the stoic photo makes you much more attractive and interesting, and that is why it usually draw attention and have more messages.
In the case of the photo without looking at the camera, it is curious that you smile or you will not have the same result, except in the case of matches, which increases considerably if you do not look at the camera and smile.
Without shirt or with a suit
This is another very common doubt, although in this case it is usually more doubtful if you are a man, but studies show that showing yourself shirtless makes you seem less intelligent or attractive to women, and you will not even have the desired matches or messages.
However, with a suit, you can get a large number of matches and messages, this was demonstrated with the same person in a Tinder photo, without a shirt he got 30 matches and 3 messages in one day. With a suit he got 76 matches and 55 messages in one day.
But first of all we have to take into account several things, the photography quality It must also be high and cannot be a pixelated photograph. We should not use filters, since this does not allow most of the photos to be seen well and they tend to think that we are hiding something. And finally, we should not use photos of people in close company or at parties, they tend to attract little attention.