5 essential tricks to improve the security of your mobile

The best tips to strengthen the security of your iOS and Android smartphone

The safety of our iPhone mobiles and Android It is one of the aspects that most concerns users; so much so, that in recent years our mobile terminals have become authentic miniature computers that offer us countless applications, among which are basic aspects of our privacy with apps to access our bank accounts or applications instant messaging with confidential conversations, in addition to the possibility of send and receive emails personal. And if that were not enough, the strong entry into the market of refurbished mobile phones can affect many aspects of our privacy if we are not sure where they come from or who are they going to stop. Therefore, we offer you 5 basic tricks to keep in mind to improve the security of our iOS phones and Android.

TRICKS to improve the SECURITY of your ANDROID

How to improve the security of our iOS and Android phones

And in just a few years, mobile phones have gone from simple devices for calling or sending SMS messages to authentic smart devices with countless applications and services for our daily lives, thus becoming priority targets for hackers and friends of other people's things, since they can reach contain many private and confidential data.

Use a complex unlock code

The essential security measure to protect our mobile from outsiders is to configure a unlock pattern; and a large percentage of users do not even have a basic security measure configured, such as a numerical code or a drawing pattern. Even so, there are hackers capable of deciphering basic security measures such as a 4-digit PIN (the most widespread is 1234) or a basic geometric drawing pattern through different techniques of dubious ethics. Therefore, it is most recommended configure a PIN of up to 6 digits, in order to make things more difficult for potential intruders.

5 essential tricks to improve the security of your mobile

Do not use open or public Wi-Fi networks

Many users choose to use open or public Wi-Fi networks to improve connection or coverage in certain situations or when faced with the need to download or send large documents or files, to avoid excessive consumption of our terminal's mobile data. The problem is that there are hackers capable of accessing these networks easily to sneak into connected devices at a certain time, thus exposing our personal and private data; So much so, that through pirated applications they can intercept our signal and intrude between our mobile device and the public or open network to have unrestricted access to our personal files. Therefore, we recommend avoid these types of public networks as much as possible and trust trusted networks.

5 essential tricks to improve the security of your mobile

Allows the location of your mobile

It is a basic tool to find your mobile if you have lost it or it has been stolen; and it not only offers us the exact location in case of theft or loss of the mobile, but we can also block it and even delete its content from another terminal. Of course, it is advisable to limit the location service of our smartphone and not accept indiscriminately all the conditions of use of the apps that we install that require this functionality, since many apps They send data about our movements and habits that can fall into the hands of third parties with dubious ethics.

5 essential tricks to improve the security of your mobile

Do not save passwords in the browser

Internet browsers offer the possibility of save passwords for our favorite sites in order to speed up our navigation and access to the web pages that we usually visit, such as social networks, banking websites, virtual money websites, online purchases or email accounts, among many others. And here is the problem; And if we lose our cell phone and someone recovers it, they will have full access to all our personal accounts and private sites. Thus, websites like Facebook either amazon They may be exposed to the loss of our terminal; Therefore, we do not at all recommend saving our access passwords on your mobile.

5 essential tricks to improve the security of your mobile

Pay attention to possible signs of hacking

Last but not least, we must remain alert to possible unwanted intrusions of our mobile phone, since there are certain characteristics that can reveal a possible hack by third parties. One of these signs is a more pronounced battery consumption of the terminal for no reason, since hacking apps work in the background without us knowing. Another characteristic that can give away a hack is a high mobile temperature due to continued use of spy apps, also causing a greater slowness when processing data, moving through menus or browsing the internet. In these cases, the best solution is reset the device to its factory status to eliminate any possible threat.

5 essential tricks to improve the security of your mobile

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